Pretty rude... I think their pseudo-significant-others have the right to shave or not shave themselves if they want to.
Pretty rude... I think their pseudo-significant-others have the right to shave or not shave themselves if they want to.
Four abject fallacies in the title and first line of the article...impressive!
Why add Pierce if you could add Wesley Morris and/or Zach Lowe??
“Ew it smells like alcohol...better clean it so I can fill it with...alcohol...”
Or at least fitting in, given Oakland Coliseum’s shit-stormin’ ways.
pictured: pro and cons
“No, no, son...he’s not sleeping with a woman, he’s actually just dead”
The* Rob Harvilla article is the hate-reading event of the Summer
Counterpoint: Abolish MLB.
“life is joyless and without meaning” —- nothing a couple of fingers of whiskey can’t cure :)
Oh, I get that part. It still doesn’t make sense. Klay a teetotaller, being pressured into booze? Is the doctor the alcoholic? I don’t get it.
But where do you stand on Kanye? and Westeros?
Nah, I’m the one missing something, I don’t get the point (or the joke, if it’s in there) of the original comment.
It’s funny because Thompson is an alcoholic.
A fucking plus, Samer, A fucking plus.
Still, less of a fraud than Tebow.
Hmm. What if you replace “Mel Gibson” in your comment with “Roman Polanski” or “Bill Cosby”. Tough call. Good movies are still good movies.
Unplayable? Sounds more like the 5th myth about hydration.