
right, at console level used games are basically dead. what did they say you can give a game to a friend once, as long as he has been your friend on xbl for thirty days... that right there says something pretty big.

they make use use smart glass for creation unsold me. hopefully the new media molecule title has an evolved form of this creativity. this felt kinda. weird.

i will do nothing but take a wait and see stance for this console. i dont like being forced to have to connect to the internet. and until im shown that merely a cache of data is being updated from "the cloud" im going to call this like i smell it marketing bull. the forza guy kinda revealed what it was in his

i love the lack of in your face narrative. i tire of poor acting scrolling text pounding the x button not giving a damn because no matter what anyone says i can understand what i should do regardless. the last of us was the first narrative driven game I've enjoyed in some time.

Bs they just want the physical media form to die so they make more $

how is stating that its the same as the ps3 format seem vague? its up to them to implement an online code policy. with multiplayer being behind a paywall now i dont think theres anything to realistically fear. if devs are so worried about money for operating multiplayer services that practice will be picked back up.

Dont want. Im sorry but peripheral support like this really turns me off. super gimmicky. slightly op to boot. the moment when something like this was used in the dr3 video was when i quit watching.

i dont like this tablet push either. a controller. thats what i wanna use to play my games dag on it. that airstrike in dr3 called in with "smart glass" was the last straw for me.

witcher 3 will be coming to ps4


they only implement the same drm we've seen on consoles so far. you are misinterpreting information sir. the only protection publishers will inforce would be the ea codes we've seen so far.

youre comparing apples and oranges. this is an emotionally involving shooter. that happens to be set in a place where a zombie like situation has proceded. its a human drama. not a cgi fest the story unfolds as you walk about as you endure.


thats only 22 reviews. this has 27 perfect reviews out of 61

if we support this business strategy before you know it. well never own another film again... the impact this is going to have if successful is going to change things and be terrible.

sony said a system that doesnt need to be online ever if needed becaus ethey recognize that alot of the areas they service dont or will never have the internet. the xbone is putting itself in the luxury market and that market alone with a big middle finger. the policies will only worsen.

its disgusting the acceptance this has gained in kotaku comments. i dont think ill come here anymore.

Dont forget warframe and blacklight as well

you almost had me with your server upkeep argument, but then i thought to myself a moment. One full priced bought copy of a game with publishers paid then traded in someone else buys this used copy. you arent somehow doubling the game. so the original owner already paid for the price of the servers. a game cant be