Not surprised that TJ Miller is a POS, that the cast and production were complicit, and that HBO is “disappointed” by it all. This is old. #allmen
Not surprised that TJ Miller is a POS, that the cast and production were complicit, and that HBO is “disappointed” by it all. This is old. #allmen
Miller left the show in June 2017, before the show’s final season,
Silver lining here: all that money Lauer insisted he had to have from NBC and got because he knew how to read a teleprompter and never ask tough questions?
It’s time for a new generation to learn to hate Joe Lieberman.
When white second amendment people send their folks over, they’re not sending their best.
I love her. She's always my fav guest on it and as soon as the news about Hardwick came out my first thought was I hope Yvette gets the job. She's so into it with her notebook and she's funny. I'm looking forward to watching her on a show that's gotten boring about a show that's gotten boring yet I still tune in. FML
No, Meghan doesn’t have to do anything regarding her family to make you or anyone else feel better.
Yeah, I think I was mistaken there. Edited the article to remove my misinterpretation. Thanks!
Same here, Splinter is my favorite go to. I hope it stays.
Yeah, I think the above article is wrong. I recall him talking a lot about Israel in the sketch, in the sense of “This is what we do in my country.”
Cheers, darling.
not at all, she’s just off this weekend!
I should also add that many of the women were meth babies themselves so their brains were already not properly developed, then they became meth mamas who have meth babies. And our system does nothing to help them, it just makes money off them.
I just feel sorry for everyone. I am lucky to have been to jail for a few minor things (breaking apartment lease, not going to court = court of contempt and they WILL issue warrant for your 18-year-old broke ass!) and to have met women who have lost babies to drugs. I no longer have any anger or judgment, it’s all…
I guess that’s what happens when you hire the KKK for your PR agency.
Thank you for this David. This brought a smile to my face. Roger Stone is one of the architects of the Russia collusion and he has been so self-satisfied and assured, certain that he got away with it. It feels good to see him squirm and bolsters my heart that we are going to get through all this and that it won’t be…
Once described as Donald Trump’s “dapper raconteur,” Roger Stone, the guy who wound up the nation’s racists and…