Do not get me started about statehood. I will rant on cue.
Do not get me started about statehood. I will rant on cue.
Man, I love this area. Yes, I bitch about it out loud more than I sing its praises but whatever. Things like this make me smile and laugh.
This is the proudest I’ve felt while living in this area in a long time.
And you know what? It shouldn’t have been a wrap because he got sick and took time to heal, but at the same time was denying that ability for the rest of Maryland workers.
White people. Esp on the Eastern Shore
Where the hell is Pugh? I feel like the last time I heard her name, FBI was at the door and she left the state. I shouldn’t laugh, but that was wild.
You know Hogan’s camera loving ass will be there. He loathes Baltimore, but his grifter ways won’t stay away from saying some empty words in public about the man who repped that place forever.
I’m still salty at how so many people treated Castro during the last debate. The respectability politics that they held him to was gross esp when Pete was being an asshole during that debate and definitively during this debate.
Considering he is someone who lives and dies (and will let other people die) by data, his plan is bullshit and I’m 70% sure he knows it. This feels like a set up where someone has an option that they want to fail and so they set up the situation for it to fail. So when it does fail, they can point to it and be like…
I won’t risk doxxing myself, but as a PoliSci major, there was definitely a point when I nearly resulted in violence in the middle of class a smarmy classmate who was not at all lazy and spoke often. Everything that I’ve read about Pete gives me this vibe. And when he speaks... damn.
And what was with Tulsi being like “Now, let me moderate this debate.” That was such annoying thing to do and Harris for some reason thought that it was a smart angle.
For the longest time, the man had nearly zero plans for his presidency and then decided to dismiss the candidates who do have plans. Because what we need now is empty platitudes about reaching racist white people middle America. Now, he has some useless plans and decides to use Republican talking points to go after…
lol I don’t think so. This was just the first place I saw have an article about him and I earlier saw him on twitter pulling the same shit today. I had to let it out. I would rage about Amy Klobuchar, but she’s not worth anyone’s time.
Mayor Pete was embodying every white dude in college who never stopped talking in class even though everything he said was empty yet condescending at the same time. I got flashbacks that filled me with rage.
They are all rotten. That blue line shit is them proclaiming that they don’t give a shit about anyone but their fellow cop as long as that cop plays along with the corruption.
We have what we have now because cops are not here to serve and protect the rest of us or have you not been paying attention to the entire history of police in this country.
If you believe most cops are good people yet say that they won’t hold their own accountable... then they are not good people. Giving cover to corruption, murder, and more is the opposite of good.
So she bans Kim Burrell from her show because of homophobic comments yet basically cites “let’s be kind to one another” with a war criminal who wanted his anti- LGBT views in the fucking constitution.
So she bans Kim Burrell from her show because of homophobic comments yet basically cites “let’s be kind to one another” with a war criminal who wanted his anti- LGBT views in the fucking constitution.