I’m super surprised that I have yet to read the “preference” line yet.
I’m super surprised that I have yet to read the “preference” line yet.
And fetishizing someone’s gender is just misogyny or misandry?
Part of me wants to vote for Mitch because that man is evil personified. However, every election since 2016, we are all still on pins and needles wondering if white women will finally get it together and not vote for, lets say, a child molester.
Why is everyone claiming tampering?
Edit: double post
You’re a confusing fetishizing someone with appreciation.
I’m very confused with some people claiming to not know why they are writing to someone and then proceed to write all the words at one time and then hit send.
And a poster! Don’t forget the poster, girl.
ha! With this bundle, she better get that number one or things will be more embarrassing.
I mean, she’s fooling her high school fans because they have to go out into the world and bother the rest of us.
No problem. SM= Social Media
Though Minaj says she doesn’t like to engage in drama
Whoa! White Feminists with the upset.
Right? It’s like the White Allies from last year. I can handle an openly hostile enemy. These white feminists are deadly.
White women will always hold the keys to dismantling this entire shit yet all they do is cry useless tears.
Listen. White Feminists voted for Trump and still came out to march at the Women’s March. These women are the willing tools of white supremacy and patriarchy yet will demand the blood, sweat, and tears of black women and pay us dust in return.
It took him over a year to put on a MAGA hat. He came out the gate saying he would vote for Trump if he voted.
And what about it?