I would say that is a perfect description of these two.
I would say that is a perfect description of these two.
I cannot wait til China Annexes Australia.
Anti Blackness is an old immigrant tactic to used become accepted by the American polity.
Its ingrained into the assimilation strategies of the United States, don't be surprised when Immigrants of color, yes even black ones, put it into play.
Flowbee, what is blackness?
I am not trolling you, just asking what defines blackness.
My blackness (or lack thereof) was a huge coversation throughought my teenage and young adult life and to this day, I still don't know what exactly blackness is.
You realize the following right?
Black people are a minority. That means there are less of us. 13% last census.
Black people are in districts that have been gerrymandered. Voting blocks cut up to diminish any power they could collectively wield.
Black people generally have less access to voting machines, and longer lines…
Depending on your looks you can make quite a bit of money doi... nevermind.
That dog is dead.
So I guess this school district is all blacks and latinos huh? The 108 catcalls video from yesterday proves its only black and latinos that disrespect women and have a culture of this kind of behaviour*.
Did you read the flag?
We take what we want. Shhhhh, just let it happen.
Jesus Christ does this school district have a lawyer or review board?
MMm do tell us more.... (coy smile).
Well of course he did! The video only showed black and latinos catcalling. Its a genetic thing in those people! I am surprized Don Lemon wasn't there hootin and hollirin at the white womens.
She was just quoting the video. calm down.
The video had the white men edited out due to "sound issues" as per the creator, Rob Bliss.
Rob Bliss has been accused previously of being racially insensitive to achieve his goals.
But the damange has been done.
Rob Bliss has been known to be racially insensitive in the past.
Here is his CYA comment posted today:
Thank you for posting it so eloquently.
Because of this:
Obligatory Black on Black comment goes here.