
But if they’re free, how can they be on sale?!

Sorry, Sean, you may have caught the brunt of my ire at the way many around me have been treating the situation. I admit that I was chomping at the bit to articulate my disdain for the lack of context with which his comments have been treated, and so, paired with the headline, your byline on this article made my heart

Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except


Like if it is in a headline and then a clarification around five paragraphs down?

...and then folks on sister sites like Jezebel and Splinter wonder why people like Louis CK’s victims wouldn’t go on the record with them and took their stories to the New York Times instead. Look how Deadspin treats what looks to me like a decently mundane e-mail exchange.; They publish the e-mails and use it as an

Your username seems counterintuitive to the thought that a person should repress their opinions to make you feel better.

I like Bryan Cranston more and more. This is a well thought out response. Sorta pie in the sky, but it’s nice.

It’s nice to see that Mike Greenberg paid tribute to the show by telling a couple of boring stories that I don’t give a shit about.

Damn those tanned monsters who come in your house during the day when you are awake to give you blood transfusions.

He’s been Donald Trump’s son for an incredibly short time, a really short time. They only talked about adoptions.

“Don Jr? Low-lowel campaign volunteer. Got us cofee once.”

What?! How would his “sex-manager,” not be aware of this?

I once saw Wang Chung and they played Everybody Have Fun twice. It was pretty cool to play at the beginning of the show, but at the end when a bunch of middle aged people were shitfaced? We took over the stage!

Me honestly surprised there was any cocaine left after they finished making that video!

Don’t worry. I was already very comfortable not looking up to you.

Maybe do double-feature with Bowie/Jagger “Dancing In Streets” video...

The old monorail crashing into a Leonard Nimoy memorial was a decent gag, but damn, did it sting.

They are totally going to drink pee to own libs when the pee pee tape comes online.