
it’s almost like they wanted to shake up the arrangement of an old song instead of playing the exact same version of it for the thousandth time to please the stuck-up fans who refuse to listen past Pinkerton! how dare they?

After Jared Leto won an Academy Award before Claire Danes, I stopped considering it an evaluation of ones acting abilities. 

You’re right. That opinion is unpopular.

If you can hire them for $3,500, then they aren’t worth hiring.

lol. Judging by his shirt that’s not his first time.

Israel is a country; not a religion.  Criticizing a political entity is not prejudice; despite what political lobby groups might tell you.

Not AME for sure

The ML image training they use for deepfakes is actually pretty close to what my lab’s been using to work on diagnosing lung cancer more efficiently from a huge composite batch of patient CT scans; it may not qualify as curing a disease, per se, but the technique and tools are very directly applicable to the modern med

Went to a family reunion a couple years ago down in the Tidewater area where my folks grew up. Caught up with a cousin that I hadn’t seen in over twenty years. He’d joined the military, traveled the world, retired, and settled down out west. As we’re talking about why we’d moved to various other parts of the country

I grew up in Richmond, so this kind of casual racism is par for the course, what with Monument Avenue and the Confederate History Museum and the places us black folk knew we should not linger/visit lest you have an unfortunate run in with someone - and this is in the 1990s! After years away, I came back to Northern

He admitted to robbing anyone of anything they had of value.

For people born during Jim Crow, including my father, Black babies born at home didn’t get a birth certificate. Knowing that is what allowed cops to round up Black boys on bogus loitering charges, have them appear before judges who would offer jail or Viet Nam. That’s how my 16 year old dad ended up serving despite

You are completely wrong about both Australia and Japan.

I mean, Japan is pretty fucking racist. But if you think “no one is complaining about that” you’re not talking to Japanese people of Korean or Taiwanese origin, or repatriate Japanese-Brazilians, or mixed race Japanese, or foreigners who’ve spent a lot of time living there. But that is also not what we’re talking

S-5 is the “snitch visa.”  I have never heard the u visa referred to as a snitch visa.

Did he literally break his brain? this is a level of reality distortion that I can’t even fathom

The Choker?

She’s single-handedly righting the balance after 50 years of male comedians playing women. (TBF I know other women comedians have done it, notably Tracey Ullman.) I enjoy that as a phenomenon in itself, separate from the merits of each individual sketch. I also like it because it seems like it has the potential to real