
...okay bud.

“I pity the fool who doesn’t get one of our lines of credit.”

Free steroids and head-burying sand for everyone! 

The stadium has been around for nearly 20 years, so it’s not like it’s new, I’d say we call it Old Milwaukee Park.

“is damn near a tragedy”

This is the worst thing to happen to beer-related stadium naming rights since Land Shark Stadium became a thing for 15 months.

Shouldn’t it be Milwaukee’s Best Park?

We would have gotten details of the weed they snuck with them on the trip.

It’s so weird that so many people independently decided that MAGA gear and Trump slogans were a great way to intimidate minorities. It couldn’t possibly that all of those people easily understood the messaging behind those things. I’ve been told that would be an unfair interpretation of the facts. So, clearly, they

MAGAssholes convene for protest of Supreme Court case they don’t really know about from school or care about right now, but their parents paid for the trip. Behold the Sons of Squee and Kavanaugh.

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo. 

You know nothing about periods.

Someone didn’t see Into the Spider-Verse...

*Spike Lee enthusiastically tweets thanks to Killer Mike*

Ever heard of a false equivalence? People don’t respond to the same things coming from different people the same way. The GOP is scared of AOC, no one is scared of Ted Cruz, just various levels of annoyed and angry. So that colors how the quote is taken.

GO Eagles!

Fuck your Tosswares. Use an actual glass and wash it like a goddamn adult.

Fuck your Tosswares. Use an actual glass and wash it like a goddamn adult.

I'm pretty disappointed by this. No one should encourage anyone to use single use anything. This is an absurd waste of resources. If you want plastic cups, buy plastic cups meant to last. They also won't break. A national geographic study and new york times study suggests a massive amount of plastic isn't recycled.

I'm pretty disappointed by this. No one should encourage anyone to use single use anything. This is an absurd waste



Whislt wearing Bombus socks, eating Hello Fresh meals.