
A game about making death matter?

Build your own rig. There are plenty of tutorials online, and it’s typically cheaper, and more fulfilling. On top of that, when it comes time to upgrade a component down the road (GPU, CPU, moboard, etc.), you have an intricate knowledge of the install proceedures.

The last fantasy map you’ll ever need.

Labeling the content as “questionable” opens it up to all sorts of “wrong-think”, and ultimately, is the peak of the slippery slope that many had a problem with during the whole Dragon’s Crown fiasco here at Kotaku.

Well, in terms of human trafficking and child prostitution, the US makes the top 5, while Japan does not.

Sorry, but when you classify video games as art, you lose the ability to place stiff arbitrary limits on what does and does no constitute said art. Though it’s not really my thing, even fan service can qualify as art to some, and frankly, that’s all that should matter.

In which comic book creators more than likely negligently oversimplify the intricacies of illegal immigration down to red-neck racism and immigrant hope.

Because being banned for even a day is nonsensical given the content isn’t any worse than actual nudity all over the rest of youtube.

“the whole “men act difference around women” argument was complete bullshit”

If you can hold a woman accountable for her actions when she gets drunk and behind a wheel, how is there no accountability for a situation in which both participants are drunk and having sex?

I cannot say I agree. I think there is a climate here in the west that is hostile to sexualized everything, especially video games.

Eye contact and tip well.

A power differential is all that is required to arbitrarily constitute rape?

“That being said, I think it’s very telling that the first thing Deen does is to try and defend his innocence”

For fucks sake, go to the police, immediately, everytime. This court of public opinion nonsense is utterly useless.

So you won’t be rejoining the ranks of the sane and mature adults on this earth? Noted.

A member of the gaming press being an enormous pile of dogshit?

Please, continue to go full retard and conflate the two issues, the one of rape, and the one where you treat all men as rapists.

“MOST men are.”

Stephen Fry isn’t an asshole, and he’s only ever spoken out against it.