“Real people choose their clothes to express themselves. Fake people are made up to fulfill an objective chosen by someone.”
“Real people choose their clothes to express themselves. Fake people are made up to fulfill an objective chosen by someone.”
Defending one improper practice because something else improper happens elsewhere? That really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
“Because that’s their job.”
That’s a pretty terrible oversimplification of comic 2.
Fahey’s response in shoddy, to say the least. He likens it to “spewing hate” when in reality it’s nothing more than a critical lens.
Defend what, the rape allegations? He really need do nothing more than point to the lack of evidence that resulted in him not being prosecuted in the first place.
In this case I’d disagree. A growing number of news agencies are reporting the bias inherent in the movie, and that personnel involved in the film have even been actively tampering with wikipedia in order to adjust information so that it fits with the documentary’s inaccuracies.
The contention is that they are airing a documentary that they know to have falsehoods presented as fact, which appears to be at least partially true in this case.
Swing and a miss.
Firstly, publishers don’t owe Kotaku, or any other gaming site, anything. The tone suggesting such in this article is childish.
Reporters should report the information they get, which the public would like to (or deserve to) know about.
Rousey made a the chief mistake of playing her opponent’s game, boxing the boxer (who had Rousey on size and reach).
However, she is not in a field where etiquette is rewarded. She is in mixed martial arts..........It’s silly to expect people to play nice with your opponent in public while attempting to seriously injury them in the ring.
Lolwut? How many other times in other games have you been absolutely destroyed by robots.
It looked like the Rams player was moving into a tackle prior to the slide.
If I don’t have access to all playable characters at all times, it’s not worth the purchase. that’s the tradeoff here.
PDP has some new (and completely ridiculous) programming coming to Youtube Red. I talk his stance on the service’s requirements for streamers with a horse’s block of salt.