While I can see how it would happen, particularly with the foreshadowing of the trailers and the lack of Luke on the movie poster, such a move would basically shit all over the entire purpose and premise of IV-VI.
While I can see how it would happen, particularly with the foreshadowing of the trailers and the lack of Luke on the movie poster, such a move would basically shit all over the entire purpose and premise of IV-VI.
No space battles either is an absolute bust for me for this game.
All these people losing their shit over the beta and I’m sitting here like:
You don’t actually refute anything. You fall back on the ridiculously unproven suposition that, and I’m paraphrasing here, her opinion will change as she ages and her career dies. You’ve got nothing to support such a statement.
You cannot make this argument with the way third wave feminism behaves in this day and age.
40 is “relatively young” now?
That’s basically the source of his power.
“unwilling to acknowledge science or psychology.”
Mansplaining, one of the dumbest forms of ad hominem.
I find it relatively odd that you mention “queer” folk, while seemingly managing to completely ignore the entire lesbian subsection of that element, in regards to being thrown a bone.
Flying commercial has absolutely nothing to do with poor service related to a fundamentalist’s refusal to perform a relatively integral part of their job (safety and service) as expected by both the airline and it’s consumers.
The point is that the sexualization of a character isn’t a problem. But had Chun-li been the talk of the web, Kotaku more than likely would have addressed her being further sexualized in some way as a bad thing.
It’s litterally the same structure and same intended meaning, simply a different subject. Stop dancing around it with nonsense.
Cry me a river dude, they are still lazy character designs.
Lol at this sliding scale of nonsense that you’re applying to the “ridiculousness” of an outfit as being OK.
There’s nothing intellectually honest about shirking the usefulness of science and research in understanding our interactions with specific types of content while at the same time applying personal anecdote as “the way it is” for everyone.
It’s silly to keep putting the onus on “science” to “prove” that playing violent games are bad. Why can’t we just question ourselves for why we enjoy the violence so much?
Because C-level execs aren’t inherently public citizens, particularly when they work for corporations that aren’t publicly owned and traded.
Gawker editors have attempted to defend the original article because it would generate a “lively debate”.