I enjoyed this game... but the pay2win perks were just so overpowered that it wasn’t worth playing.
I enjoyed this game... but the pay2win perks were just so overpowered that it wasn’t worth playing.
That verse, along with most mainstream hip-hop, is fucking garbage.
I’m not referring to the block-bot, or rude tweets.
More recent studies on aggression and gaming link said aggression to time played or difficulty of the curve for learning how to play, not the gameplay itself.
Coupled with very recent research that video game content does not inherently increase aggression or violence, I think that this study is extremely important, given the fact that it shows that exposure to video games, regardless of the type of content, doesn’t reinforce (ie strengthen or increase) the specific sexist…
She has absolutely made the assertion that games reinforce sexist beliefs and attitudes and made specific inference that exposure to games can alter attitudes, both being aspects of her work which this study refutes.
When your first and immediate response is to go full bore into ad hominem, you might be the douche.
The full study.
Your statement reeks of some classic goal post moving. We’ve already had a fair number of critics make the assertion that exposure to sexualized content can cause sexist behaviors and attitudes. Absence of correlation implies prohibits the possibility of a causal relationship.
Have to agree here. That study is some of the biggest news regarding the video games and a medium and a hobby in the past few years. I’ll be pretty disappointed if major site choose to ignore it.
Sarkesian makes that assertion a good number of times in her work. Videos, I might add, that have been uncritically heralded amongst a fair amount of gaming press.
Damn son... Choose Your Own Adventure books didn’t cost ten dollars.
Particularly since they managed to screw up the port a bit.
What you’ve written is so completely ridiculous, that I brought in the cast of The Office for the appropriate response.
Whoops... didn’t realize that this was in the same comment thread, so sorry for the link repost. But just watch the vids. Satire is satire, and that should always be the case, regardless of how it is directed.
It happens all the fucking time. C’mon, satire is not limited to the individuals on or above a given level. It never has been, nor should it EVER BE. As evidenced by a string of vids I provided for someone else.
“it’s not uncommon for people to project themselves on blank slate characters”
Hell, even Bo Burnham lambasts everything from hip hop culture to feminist hypocrisy.
Lol, you cannot be fucking serious. Tosh.0 is chock full of stereotypically driving jokes against EVERYONE. Bill Maher and Bill Burr frequently joke about feminists/feminism and women in general. Plenty more everywhere in comedy, ffs.