
I personally don't mind the character changes, aside from Thor, given there is a sound mythological basis for his character that is grounded in a specific sex. But I know my opinion there is in the minority, particularly since it's a comic book, so no biggie.

He's an idiot who thinks his "satire" is fighting the great GG/anti-GG fight.

People get upset during a game of pick-up basketball. Reactions to situations, to winning or losing, are simply part of the human condition.

A game is completely capable of having aspects and features that can more easily generate hostility from people.

Dammit. Lol

The 90's? Really? C'mon son... don't be so knowingly ignorant.

Honestly, YTers... if you're losing viewers to scantily clad women, then maybe your content wasn't all that great to begin with.

GTFO with this retarded nonsense. Dude has every right to want something a little more useful in terms of color commentary, just as Fahey has every right to do whatever he wants.

Well, that was dumb.

With more samples, I'm fairly confident it would be a statistically significant difference.

Lol, so much "evidence" that there is simply too much to link to... or some such nonsense.

If you're going to preach "equality", then feminism at its very heart has to be as welcoming to men as men have to be welcoming of women. Anything less is not equality.

Yeah, it is. But perhaps you could guide me towards any hierarchical structure that is uniform...

So you're going to try and deliver on your burden of proof with a hearsay anecdote?

Not really. Hell, 15 years ago, the general social consensus was that violent video games were responsible for abhorrent behavior, based on a lot of anecdote and poor aggression studies that have now been debunked.

Dat stawman of peace.

As it relates to simpatica's general behavior in this conversation, I get a serious sense of disappointment in education in society when anyone is willing to shirk modern scientific research under the guise of "caring about people."

Firstly, as i've already noted, I don't care for this sort of video content (these also aren't games genius, they are videos). The games I do play, I have actually discussed with professors and classmates, particularly regarding the physiological impacts.

Lol, the "go die somewhere, cunt" was actually propagated against OP of this thread by a 'normal' Gawker commenter, and not one of the individuals defending this sort of porn content.

Thank you for your ridiculous ad hominem, exposing you for your willful absence of logical thought.