To me, RDR is one of the greatest games ever made. Every aspect of it contains a masterful attention to detail. However, Rockstar allowed this depth to compliment the gameplay and story, not cloud it.
To me, RDR is one of the greatest games ever made. Every aspect of it contains a masterful attention to detail. However, Rockstar allowed this depth to compliment the gameplay and story, not cloud it.
Immediately what I thought of.
That's some narrow-minded nonsense.
That bit of sugarcoating annoyed me greatly.
I never said it wasn't their right. It still doesn't necessarily make it the right action, particularly when target has no problem continuing to sell movies and other media with equally violent content.
I very vocal minority is clearly misinterpreting the game in order to have it pulled from shelves. You can't possibly sit here and tell me that one of the most successful selling games of all time is outmatched, from a supply and demand standpoint, by that minority. Unless of course Target feels they've reached market…
Removing the item from store shelves because of ethical concerns from a minor segment of the populace is an attempt to "protect" the public from such content. It doesn't really matter what other stores are doing.
No, that'd be Columbus day. Thanksgiving actually has no inherent negative connotation based upon its inception.
Censorship doesn't preclude that content can be found elsewhere. Any instance of changing or suppressing speech, writing, content, etc with for purpose of protecting the public from something considered subversive or contrary to moral or common good can be considered censorship.
That's a really shoddy excuse for censorship on a massive commercial level.
But remember folks, it's not about censoring content.
But I guess if a "social justice warrior" refuses to back down to your condescension and fury, they must be destroyed, right?
I keeping driving home the TERF thing because I've seen it in action. I love how you completely ignore the other examples of relatively toxic extremism that exists within the vocal mainstream of third wave that I gave you.
Digging the ass-backwards hypergeneralization of a groups view's on feminism born out of the fact that I have issues with the way Kotaku was operating (issues that were eventually address by Totilo). Solid logical fallacy.
Thought it important to add that when he decided to separate the two, people DID "go after him"
Definitely got a chuckle of you digging up a months old post of mine, one that I made prior to the media dismissal, backlash, and eventual actual research that brought out the truth on the subject, as if it somehow has anything to do with the conservation we're having right now. Protip, it doesn't.
Some branches of feminism ARE profoundly shitty parts of the movement. You don't get to magically dissociate them from the whole simple because it suites you.
It's not a fucking duck if what he's describing has more to do with humanism on the whole than it does with feminism, given that feminism does have branches that cast a shadow on the whole.
I read the above convo, and I'm pretty appalled at the gall of some of you people going after a person simply because he won't use the word feminism.
What an asinine line of reasoning here, akin to mansplaining. "Terry Crews is cool with it, so get over your own issues with it?" So if a black person were to tell me that he doesn't care if I (a white person) used the word ni**er because for him he is past the negative connotations, I now have carte blanche to ignore…