
U wut?

That some false equivalence if I've ever seen it.

Well, he's not wrong, and there's nothing wrong with calling out bullshit sensationalism that seems like it belongs on a facebook newsfeed, not a gaming website.

That doesn't really change my point.

It's full of stars.

Can't say I didn't see the "blame the victim" coming from some dumbass like yourself.

Murder and violent crime actually disporportionately affect men more than women. Maybe it's time we start looking at it that way.

You want to know how I know you're a raging hypocrite douchebag?

Deployed... fml.

Full agreement here. I'm sharpening my pitchfork to point at anyone who says anything different.

Pretty much this. If Nintendo came out with a definitively, albeit entirely innocuous response establishing gendered toads/toadettes, a certain segment of the media and populace would probably flip there shit over nothing.

It all depends on how the money is used.

This is pretty false. Games in the 90s/00s spiraled deeply into the FPS/3rdPS/side-scroller-centric situation that we are finally climbing out of.

Now playing

I can't say necessarily I expect this to work to affect lasting change here. Norway has had major incentives programs to get more women involved in STEM fields and nearly all of them have failed, despite women being more successful in math/science through almost all stages of schooling in Norway.

Now playing

1) I was comparing to a novel because of the image itself, not the story or filling out of the character within. There are countless works of art that involve sexualized and even sexually explicit images of men and women. These have no context of character. Do you consider all of these works to be objectifying?

Sexual objectification? No it isn't. If you're going to make the claim that sexualization always equals objectification, then we'd better start pulling all of those romance novels with the hot chick and the topless dude on the covers.

"Grossly misogynist"

That's sort of my point. I we look at game as a noun, MS Paint isn't a game. However, you can game (verb) with MS Paint.

Eh, that still doesn't really make the software a game, merely that you can make games of the software.

This isn't true, and hasn't been true for a while now.