
Constant motion doesn't necessarily equal excitement. While I don't necessarily agree with Phoenix Knight, you can't look past the overall slowness of the action on the field, which certainly doesn't resonate well with us here in the states. If we want the back and forth with drama, there is basketball.

score doesn't mean who played better or who was the best overall

I don't agree with you regarding the USA Belgium game. Sure the end of the game was exciting, but a good portion of regular time was pretty slow.

Also, get your shit straight before you accuse an entire nation of racism...

The money isn't there because the interest isn't there.

That's definitely putting the cart before the horse.

Ya sound like a real kunt m8.

The correlation isn't there to say that the uneducated person is any less dangerous without guns.

Until someone without a gun manages to shoot someone (impossible) the case is pretty clear.

Not really. Those rights are the result of a social contract, which may or may not include any type of government. The government we have is meant to serve and protect those rights.

No it isn't. At it's core within the heart of the constitution it is about the right of the people to defend themselves against an unjust government.


My point is that liberty does not exist for the unfounded whims of the people. If that were true then we'd allow idiots in the south to exile gay people because they were scared that it would affect their children.

The statistics int he Harvard Law research article that's linked on the breitbart article.

You trolling?

You don't restrict the rights of an entire population based upon the "feelings" of a subset, especially without specific supporting statistical research data.

If there is no correlation, then crime control cannot be used as a legitimate argument for gun control. Given that it's considered an inalienable right in the US, you cannot then make the case for gun control based upon the desire to reduce crime or suicide.

That's not how statistical correlation works. The lack of correlation basically dissociates the two variables, meaning that gun control is not responsible for the increases/decreases in murders, violent crime, suicides, etc. I recommend reading the actual study linked on the breitbart site because it goes into far

This isn't necessarily true. Overall rates of violent crime continue to drop globally. here in the US, rates have dropped comparatively even though regions have adopted less restriction.