
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It's an extremely difficult statistic to capture within legitimate experimental constraints, which is why the actual scientific literature is so conflicted with each new piece of research.

Epic misrepresentation of his argument. GG.

People really need to stop dissociating EA and it's developer entities. They are the same corporation. To suggest anything else is absolutely intellectually dishonest.

DICE is the absolute LAST branch of EA that I trust right now. BF4's release was a fucking joke. It took them 6-7 months to make the game remotely playable/enjoyable.

Haha, that brought me right back. And yeah, I never finished it either. Compared to a game like Kings Quest 5, I thought the puzzles were fairly poorly implemented, not from a difficulty standpoint, but from a "why exactly do I have to do it this way" standpoint.

Totally makes the gif though. Tbh, I've been waiting to use this one for a while... couldn't have been a better story to land for it.


M&Ms are poverty candy... relegated to that same lone bowl of hard sugar candy that your grandma has had laying out since the 80's.

It's not really competition at that point.

Bigger negative than the flop: games can end in a TIE.

The man was literally so fast he was asked to slow down for the fight scenes in the Green Hornet.

That reasoning is just so thin. Just about the entire cast of characters spent all last season being absolute pricks to each other for zero reason. The characters suck, and you can't simply excuse it because they're "just teens".

You are kidding youself if you think you are getting console game half price a month after release.

Sherly ewe Kant bee cereal.

In the sense that people who excel at them are generally very fit, they are accurate, but others who do not may be as fit/more fit.

No... it's not. I'm not saying that the psychological isn't an important component. It's probably still THE most important secondary component. But the physicality is beyond taxing. I've known triathlon and ultra-triathlon caliber athletes who have washed out purely for physical reasons alone.

Still a stretch to call it an FPS, when exploration and space travel is the core of the game.

That's only about 3 minutes worth of gameplay. What am I supposed to do with the other 2 hours and 57 minutes, actually try to play the game? Seems a little shallow after how fulfilling that was.

She strikes me as nothing more than a "spoiled teen". I just can't bring myself to like her or most anyone else in this series. The character development plays out like a season on the Real World rather than what I'd expect out of the world of the avatar.

Last Airbender, amazing. Legend of Korra... from story to character development, it's a crapfest.