It's just been so... bad.
It's just been so... bad.
Still not a fan of this series. First book lacked direction, second book wasn't compelling either. As a whole, the entirety of Legend of Korra has been extremely subpar compared to The Last Airbender.
Jesus... where the fuck is the spoiler tag???
No Man's Sky
Things like resolution, detail, lighting FX, and other stuff are still objective observations that can have subjective consequences.
The only reasonable reply to any of that "official response".
If input lag is part of the "as advertised", then no thanks.
its entirely possible for internet speeds and technology to develop to the point where you can send a command and get the first frame containing the result of that command in 16ms
just fine in optimal conditions.
We've literally gone back in time. How much longer before Comcast starts charging by the hour for internet service... just like the AOL dialup days?
Nope... nope nope nope nope nope.
And that's fine. While there are questions and potential criticisms, I hardly see the "backlash" to which you are referring regarding this game.
For one thing, creators don't need to detail every ounce of their creative direction, even if it's the reasoning as to why a given character is make.
I think that as a Zelda game, it's capable of moving copies and consoles, primarily because of Ayuoma's overall intents and vision for the game.
It'd be nice if the exposure itself were a little more diverse, for lack of a better word. Focus on female developers, new games/IPs with female leads (like the Midora kickstarter story), and pathways to entrance into the field for everyone, on top of the current focus that is fairly strictly limited to articles like…
When said creatives are publicly acknowledging that such inclusiveness would have literally no impact on their ability to manifest their vision, then why wouldn't you give your customers what they want?
and makes some people resistant to healthy change. :/
That wasn't referring specifically to this interview, but in some of these articles, there is a definite tone bordering on simply trying to shame a given game or developer, which goes beyond simple criticism.
Not all of these articles are simple critiques though. The Dragon's Crown debacle is my prime example. Kotaku authors went out of their way to try and shame that game's creator. His response certainly wasn't very PC, which is a problem in and of itself, but in those instances, we move beyond legitimate critique. And…
Corporations still don't really owe inclusiveness to people to the point that they should suppress the creative direction of their creatives. They also don't necessarily need to accept all consumer feedback. I do not believe that Nintendo, or the brand for LoZ, is going to fail based upon Auyoma not having a female…