One the right is the bounty hunter Bossk from The Empire Strikes Back. One the left
One the right is the bounty hunter Bossk from The Empire Strikes Back. One the left
They are not typically instrumental to the quality of the game, but provided that they do not negatively impact performance, then they only add value.
They couldn't even get that right with the down-graded graphics... I don't buy it.
Personally, the improvements in speed are well-worth the overall amount of time it took for me to get used to the new UI, and with 8.1, it essentially functions better than any previous Windows OS to date, imo.
As long as he's not simply copying and pasting elements of code, then I think he's in the clear.
If it's real, the glitch itself is pretty cool. But beyond that I'm always pretty amazed by the "muscle memory" displayed by a lot of guys playing old platformers like this, jumping at precisely the right moments and for long enough just to miss certain objects and enemies.
Yes, because you took the art assets from those games wholesale.
No, there is legitimate video evidence out there that she has utilized other individuals video's from youtube, frame-for-frame, and that immediately calls her work into question, particularly given that she has not once cited using outside materials.
Crowdfunding sites are filled with hundreds of people who take in money and produce nothing. Anita Sarkeesian has taken in money and produced EXACTLY WHAT SHE SAID SHE WAS GOING TO PRODUCE.
That's you're argument? You cannot be fucking serious. Every consumer, and producer, has a vested interest in absolute honesty in systems like Kickstarter, because dishonesty weakens those systems. If she simply pocketed that money and did not do the things she promised, then she has taken advantage of supporters and…
You cannot be serious right now. Are you trying to tell me that Abigail wasn't a strong supporting role?
I think there is a legitimate reason to take serious issue with her work thus far, though not necessarily due to the content. One of the primary reasons she needed the funding was to raise the money to purchase the systems and games to play in order to perform effective critique and commentary. It's been put to light…
Alright... now you're just pointlessly nit-picking.
You bringing up the Kirk Uhura kiss brings me to a point I've made in a couple other discussions on the topic.
In actuality, I think there are a couple of studies that show the opposite... that porn exposure actually reduces the incidence of rape. I'll try to track them down and post if I get a chance to tonight.
Games =/= real life. Nor do they really influence real life behavior, if you trust the behavioral research being performed.
I'd say it depends on what s/he means by "disturbing implications".
No it doesn't. You're completely misrepresenting his argument on the basis of a technicality.
As an homage to the old Western trope (one of many within the game), I don't exactly see if being an example of internal or external sexism. If anything is points to how ridiculous the trope was originally.
Then I still heavily disagree with RDR as an example of external sexism. Aside from one achievement (which is basically one of many specific homages to classical genre of the Wild West), Rockstar does a good and relatively accurate job at depicting both strong lead women characters and general female NPCs,…