
No it's not. You're interpretation completely precludes the fact that both are ready to do what is necessary to be victorious, including ending the other.

No. The point of that phrase is that one shall win, at the cost of the other, so that victory can be established. Consider the G1 movie, Optimus had no intention of sparing Megatron.

With one scene, you've utterly and completely trumped Jango's entire argument.

That's plain nonsense.

Oh yeah, I agree with you there. They had absolutely zero interest with the project, while Nat Geo was interested, but didn't want to jump on it without an expanded market. Fox only became interested after Seth Macfarlane offered to pay some of the production costs through his own company.

After experiencing 8.1 on my Surface, I have admit personally, that while I still use the mouse and keyboard on my 8.1 desktop, I will instinctively reach up to use my finger on my non-touch enabled screen because it really is that intuitive.

It's part of the inevitable transition to more touch screen interfaces. Having a Surface Pro 2, I can attest to the overall design of 8.1 being incredibly intuitive from that perspective. I also use 8.1 on my desktop gaming rig, and apart from a little getting used to navigating metro with the mouse, it's a superior

Did a show tune murder your dog?

Actually, him bringing it to Fox was the reason it was green-lighted. While Druyan and Tyson had plans to get a new Cosmos off the ground, they could not secure funding to begin the project. NatGeo did not commit to the show until after Fox was willing to come onboard with the project.

This is that power fantasy vs sexualization argument that more often that not doesn't not hope up against any sort of logical debate.

On his special Alcoholocaust Jim Jeffries goes into a pretty good diatribe on suicide and depression, as he has been both depressed and suicidal in the past.

As a counter to the second box of your image:

Please stop making useless comments that don't contribute to anything.

It's technically illegal to do so without specifically noting the endorsement.

Except that if you check one of the related articles listed above, ISP big-wigs have basically admitted that data caps have nothing to do with the cost of providing or availability of service.

You know. This has me worried. Just as some gamers are finally getting around to being done with preorders due to some colossal publisher/dev mistakes (SimCity/BF4), we're right on to paying for games, sometimes without even receiving the actual game. A lot of times people are throwing money at a concept with nearly

I don't really know about that. From most of the stories I've read, despite is heavy involvement aid and relief efforts, he's still heavily involved in the technology sector.

I'm interested in Titanfall...

It's been several months, and I feel like this game is quickly devolving into the SimCity fiasco, with every patch that brings more crashing and bugs to the game.

Jesse H. Christos...