hobo rubber fire

It could have many meanings, as you note. And such a list could be used destructively. But gtfo with the “cannot applaud an anonymous bathroom list” stuff.

We were trying, but Biden.

I was going to say the same thing. It comes off as victim blaming, which is not the intent. But this is beyond a typo in a sales ad. So far beyond, “too good to be true,” that it would never hold up in court.

As an outsider, it is very difficult to see what people on the inside are going through internally. Why do people stay in horribly abusive relationships? Why do people continue to return to failing relationships? Or stay in jobs that they hate? There are a lot of reasons. If you were to then add on that an individual

Couldn’t disagree more. And the Supra is just an E86, you know this right?

Admitted hard G here. But this,

What seems to be the controlling word in your source (and this whole argument) is “typically” as in “typically before i, e, or y”. Girl, Gift, and Gild/Gilt are exceptions, so are Geld/Gelding and Get for that matter. In fact, it appears that the exceptions for a hard G preceding an i, e, or y greatly exceed

Agree with the review mostly. The regular one tries to taste like Coke but fails. It doesn’t fulfill occasional Coke craving and doesn’t taste good. And the Cherry is too sweet.

I’ll just say this and then leave it, because I think it is similar to your example of accidental game play versus purposeful gameplay; i.e. intent. If friendly fire was part of the game, and you occasionally got downed by a teammate in a firefight, it might be momentarily frustrating but a reasonable player would get

There is something to be said for managing expectations and understanding that something may have come up. But it is also not out of control to complain about lack of basic manners that seems rampant in a significant portion of the game’s population.

In isolation I could maybe agree that, “a settlement is just that... a settlement...” Maybe. But, luckily for us, we don’t have to look at just the fact that a settlement occurred.

I’m not sure if this was your way with agreeing with me or if you meant to respond to the original poster (StorminMike2000) or if you misinterpreted what I wrote. Because you and I are saying basically the same thing or are at least on the same side of this.

In the same way a police officer has an obligation to report on colleagues who abuse their power or a member of Congress has the obligation to support country over party, survivors of sexual assault have an obligation to future victims to report and testify.

There is a quote (or a set of quotes) variously attributed and probably misattributed, pick your favorite wording below. But the point of the statement(s) remain the same, the press is supposed to look for the information that people are trying to suppress; especially when those people are powerful.

Nadler. Says things others may not want him to say, sometimes, even if true.

“Represantation is good but I don’t think we should be judging an individual game for choosing a setting with limited diversity.”

I think davidwizard’s response is excellent, I just have a few points.

This is admittedly supposition but I bet a large portion of those early console sales (NES, SNES, Genesis) were for kids. Not entirely, but I bet most were. As PS2/Xbox/etc. start to come out, these kids are growing up and things become more widespread as well.

The lot shown above only works as a forwards exit parking lot for those at the front, or for everyone if it is a “everyone leaves at the same time” situation. If it is a theme park, for example, people come and go at different times throughout the day. Meaning a lot of people are still backing out.

As part of one of the prior heated discussions (years ago, on one of your articles, Jason, I believe). My point then wasn’t that one was safer, it was that I simply wanted someone to point to actual evidence. Everyone was saying backing out is less safe. But there were no independent studies, no analysis, just a bunch