Cannot tell if troll or not, will treat as real.
Cannot tell if troll or not, will treat as real.
Thank you for this. I don’t have much to add other than to say that you and others at this site have done a lot of really amazing reporting and this is yet another read that should be required for everyone before they are allowed to comment online. Forced information. I’m sure a number of people (guys) would still be…
Everyone hated on the Lexus front ends too vociferously. Chevy couldn’t be outdone. How would they ever make more commercials if they didn’t win the JDPower award for gapingest maw?
God’s/gods’ work here, Ms. Lee.
Unfortunately the cars all suck.
Knew Dana years ago, went to high school with him, live in the area. While anything is possible, these two stories clearly don’t match up at all. And his wife’s story aligns with the Dana I knew.
This is what churches (supposed charitable organizations) should be doing. Not funding glamorous Preacher and Pastor private planes and mansions.
I’d say you’re okay.
I think a small part of the problem is that redemption is being viewed as a return to what the person was doing before knowledge of the actions was made public. So if a person is a movie star, after a period they should resume their movie making status.
I don’t get how this is a ding on the game though. I own the game and while I find it okay, it’s not the best. But the game is not Erode the Space Alien Laser Armor with 100 Shots to the Elbow and Neck. A person shot in the head dies. That’s realistic.
Thank you for destroying the disingenuous rambling of a pop-“science” hack trying to make money on the tragic circumstances of others.
So in a year where more home runs are being hit than ever, no single player is all that close to the last legitimate home run record of 61. I wonder why. /s
Minimum 11-23 others!!
Thought the same thing. But even at those sorts of noodle restaurants (Noodles & Co and the like), I’d at least make a mental note if someone ordered buttered noodles.
Maybe I haven’t had enough sleep but, MM asks for illegally provided drug A. Is illegally provided drug B. Neither of which he should have at all. Takes drug B. Dies. And person providing drugs is responsible because the drug was not as requested/expected?
Agreed. Add in that the bulk of his movies have been about older men (often himself) and young women. That is also both very telling and should be enough.
The first part of this is good trivia.
Those numbers are disappointing.
Oh well, to have those kinds of problems......
To be fair to BMW, I imagine their Ms are largely still fun and engaging. But all of their cars used to be (even into the E46s and E91s/92s mid-2000s time frame for me). I used to enjoy their every day sedans. Got a 320 as a loaner a few years ago. And though it was not in the same league, it was not something I ever…