hobo rubber fire

Depends how you are viewing it. The Pope is a different guy every 10-50 years. The position is well known, the person is less so.

Because of how the question is worded, “who’s the most famous person ever?,” I have a follow-up. Does that mean Who is or who was the most famous person at any one time? Or does that mean who was the most famous cumulatively over time?

One: I didn’t bring up the Lexus. But the reason I think it does not apply like you think it does is because the LF-A had a particularly long design cycle. Most cars are not in design for 10 years. So while it may have been part of a larger design phase for the company, it does not seem to be that they cribbed


This is the opposite of a taco-related comment and yet I cannot look away.

Came here to mention that episode. Makes you want every taco. Imagine this will do the same, but more.

And I would argue that they don’t share a lot of design (I think much less than “not a lot” really). And if you think that there are areas that may be debateable, it seems more likely to me that they started with the LF-A. It began development in 2000, had design concepts presented beginning in 2005 (which means the

It’s CP to me and probably a lot of other people. But with the widespread ads, I would assume that they are looking for the Venn intersection of those who think “NP,” those who have $40k to spare, and those who drool over E30T-s. A few exist, I’d imagine.

Merc and many other companies pull designs down-range. Their top of the line cars have certain design languages and their lower classes get some of that design.

There are different ways, and to each their own. However, I’m looking at the IS at the time and the LF-A. I personally don’t see it.

You’ve named car companies that build cars that are often nice to look at—not always but often. Chevy isn’t one of them—I understand that is an opinion. You’ve also named many car companies were nearly everything is higher end—so it is easier to understand why an “entry-level” Aston might have some similarities to a

^^That might have actually had a chance at looking good. (F40 rear mesh, mmm...)

Yeah, and that’s why the GT40 looks like a Mustang/Focus/Fiesta rather than a brand-topping halo car, right?

If there is one thing we can hold firm to in these crazy, mixed-up times...

I think the underlying issue (or at least one of the big ones) is a lack of education that provides the ability to think critically and the knowledge of how to acquire more knowledge. It would also be great if people actually wanted to learn, but that’s pie in the sky.

Because they are awesome. Granted I’m speaking of prior generation M coupes (both E36/8 and E86 varieties) but they were hatches based on existing platforms. They didn’t sell in high volume but are amazing to drive. This would be a difference, being FWD, but if they didn’t want to ‘dilute the brand’ they shouldn’t

I think you need more stars for this.

This isn’t for me right now, and may never be. But I realize it will be great for a lot of other people. No problem there.

It is great to care about intent when we are talking about legal implications (was it an accident or on purpose) or when you are talking about personal relationships (are you a complete jerk who I need to cut out, or did you say something hurtful by mistake).