You’re argument here is either (1) standard strawman,
You’re argument here is either (1) standard strawman,
At some point x, between 1 and infinity, there ceases to be a reasonable difference between x and infinity. Is there a difference? Yes. A defined, finite number is by definition different than infinity. But when that is an extremely large number is that difference significant enough to warrant discussion in an…
This is about the softest wealth brag I’ve heard on the internet, from an adult anyway. I’m glad you feel so great about being able to purchase a $65k-ish car that you need to point it out.
Unfortunately for you, you’re probably one of the best people this could have happened to because you can relay the story to everyone like you have. I don’t think you need me/us to tell you that you’re a really good writer—not to mention you don’t need any more head swelling. But like everyone else is saying, thank…
I’ve been watching F1 a little over 20yrs. That does not make me an expert or make my opinion worth anything more than anyone else’s, just giving an idea of where I’m coming from.
Please keep doing what you’re doing. There are a lot of us who like games and either already agree with what you’re saying or want to hear more (or both). In my opinion, the larger gaming community needs more public voices like yours.
Tire (and wheel) size impact price considerably as well. If they are not stock wheels, you’re over $200/tire even at Tirerack. If the place she’s at doesn’t have cheap tires—or if Phil said something like, “Don’t give her the cheap ones,” because he seems like the type—and/or add in tire shop overcharge, you’re…
Excellent article. Even if it doesn’t shock or surprise anymore to read this, it seems important to see it from every angle. Not just the movie industry, or music. But gaming, govt agencies, corporations, cops, families. As long as the behavior is pervasive, so should be the reporting.
Given your background, please consider providing follow-on articles on this if more details emerge. I don’t really care about the Seinfeld connection--though that does make it stand out more as a story. However, the details of the possibly faked Porsche, along with it having gone through a reputable shop with proper…
As Anthony notes, the Z4MCs cannot be had for teens/low $20ks if they are in reasonable shape or with reasonable miles. I got one about 5 years ago at about the bottom of their value curve at $27k with about 65k mi. The good ones are only going to go up. With all their flaws—and there aren’t many beyond the normal…
The 2 series is nice. Will definitely be in the mix if 2+2s are needed over 2-seaters.
There are plenty of coupes, you are right. Corvettes (along with the basically coupes that are Mustangs and Camaros) are not enjoyable to sit in, to me. Nissan is similar (as are more recent BMWs). It’s not about the brand, as this Toyota would have been just fine. But if the cabin is cheap-looking or blah, I won’t…
Like all Z4 hardtops (coupes and ht verts), it looks great in white.
The car (at least in general) is right up my alley. Have previously owned a Z3 coupe and a Z4M coupe. I’m in a sedan right now for space needs, but plan to be back in a 2-seater in the next couple of years.
I personally agree that watches are largely useless now, with some specialized exceptions (diving, flying, etc.). However, this
Not trying to regurgitate what Jackfrags had in his video but I’ve had a similar issue and I think it would be worth highlighting. I’ve had a problem with TTK, but I’ve felt it’s a little high. When I hit an enemy with 4-5 rounds from an AR, I don’t feel like he/she should still be running around, and certainly not…
I think you are extrapolating too much from this and then focusing on too narrow of a conclusion.
There is some good ramen info spread across multiple episodes. Worth watching for info.