hobo rubber fire

Bit of a niche piece, I guess, as there are only so many auto-workers, but excellent piece. Really good points that apply well beyond the auto industry. And since I drove past a Ford (motor?) plant in Cleveland when I was there for work, I took note of the parking lot with only Ford/Mercury/Lincoln products. While I

As a resident of the state, the south, and the U.S., this is surely representative of at least 25% of all counties. 50%? And this is in no way trying to say AL is less backwards because others do it to. I’m only saying that this isn’t confined to one stupid, racist county in one stupid state.

“I don’t wanna hear ‘bout no motherfucking ifs. All I wanna hear from your ass is,” when is it on sale in the U.S., and if it’s road legal!!

While I respect Will’s opinion here and he makes some good points, his call for equality based on merit, with regards to female drivers, is a little far fetched at this point. Women have been disadvantaged and kept out of racing until now and even now it is still much more a male-dominated sport at every. single.

Assuming the $35185 shown is the loaded price (which it may not be) $35185 - $21995 = $13190, which is not “almost $14000” more unless you are baselining at zero. It is $13000 more, even “more than $13000” but that’s it.

While I’m not surprised, Mr Superfish, whatTHEFUCKiswrongwithpeople?!?

3rd degree assault?! Where’s the hate crime charge? And can we please fire these people and riblets into the sun already?

3rd degree assault?! Where’s the hate crime charge? And can we please fire these people and riblets into the sun already?

Why would that not be okay? No one has ever voluntarily said, “Wow!” when shown a Chevy Cruze. Punching deserved.

a. Go figure, someone who gets punched in the head and punches others for a living isn’t the best person to give advice, regardless of sex/gender.

“A million to one shot, Doc. A million to one.”

Nothing against Barris, but that’s not the original Batmobile.

#6 is my big complaint with “luxury” brands, and I agree that there are “only so many morons ... that will pay a premium for just a name.” But I sure to see a hell of a lot of Lincolns and Cadillacs that are nothing more than this. Point being that there, sadly imo, may just be more than enough morons to make this

I imagine this is hyperbole for the sake of the internet, but many, many vehicles require more than 87. And for the extra dollar or two per tank, you’d be better off sticking to the manual.

It’s a fair point, but in addition to what Kurt says above, designing their own car may require crash testing, emissions testing, licensing suppliers, etc. Modifying a Porsche with Porsche parts (for the most part it sounds like) seems a reasonable way to avoid the hassles of becoming a manufacturer. Plus Porsche has

Now I may just be a simple country Hyper-Chicken, but y’all need to do whatever it takes to keep this series goin'.

How, word server Pinkham, do I tip you more stars? ‘Tis my duty, after all.

Agreed, but that is a lot of stuff to hope for.

That was me. Never let racing information get in the way of a COTD. Nice video support.

Expect the same with the SLS. The first flight may or may not be all white, but after that mass is more important than aesthetics.