hobo rubber fire

Except the brakes do fade in the race, they regularly overheat and sometimes burn, and they have to be kept within their working range (i.e. use them but don’t ruin your lap time, and drive fast but don’t use too much brake stopping or you’ll overheat them, and get enough but not too much cooling...) Oh yeah, and this

Zero, because you’d never get them up to temperature needed for them to be useful. Cold F1 brakes = basically no brakes.

Given the tropical locale and enclosed “vehicle,” that seems like it might be rather warm for the motor. Needs more cooling.

HA!, no. It will become the, one time we tipped someone $1,000 story—even though they only put in $2 and wouldn’t have tipped any if it were their pizza order—thus relieving them of their tipping duties from here on out.

I do the following for just about every cheese I can think of, including my Pecorino Romano (what I use instead of Parm). Wrap the cheese in parchment paper which allows moisture to move off the surface of the cheese, and then put it in a zip-top bag which keeps the cheese from drying out.

...and I have no friggin’ clue what was so special about that small pile of food.

If this isn’t MeowMeowBeenz, nothing is MeowMeowBeenz.

The car is nice, but the price ist eine Crack-Pfeife.

If you’re going with AAR and Dan Gurney, how could you not use the Eagle-Gurney-Weslake as the image?

As someone who grew up in a 70s Cadillac, I disagree wholeheartedly. It is big, floaty, and isolated, but it is also loud, fall-aparty, and uncomfortable. Ungentle, I say.

the set of shots near the end of cars coming down the pit straight in profile are extra nice. thanks for sharing.

a baby squirrel just got its wings.

homeschooling never wins. even here, somehow.

that dude has never not had someone call him Kris Pregnant.

I can agree with your master painting analogy as this car is surely just to be looked at and therefore restoration may be the best route to achieve their goal of it looking pretty, originality be damned.

I agree. A lot of this car is, presumably, no longer the 1,000,000th Corvette. Most if not all of the body is made up of new/NOS/used body panels from somewhere else, along with many other components.

...and alienator of the world on whose watch operatives of a well-known international terrorist network carried out the deadliest act of foreign hostility on U.S. soil since the bombardment of Pearl Harbor...

I think the reason the LFA hasn’t had the impact that the R8 has (aside from price and availability) is that the R8 has down-range siblings to pass along styling cues, powertrain advances, and sales.

At this point I think it is a given that she’s done for, one way or the other. I am more interested in hearing what the rest of the people in her office think. Do they all know she’s crazy and cant wait for her to be ousted or are they all planning to go down with the ship?

All hail Costanza, King of the Idiots!!