
Lots of ignorance in the comments here. Antitrust law isn't around to stop companies from being good at what they do, it's to stop them from abusing their power as the biggest dog in town. Standard Oil back around the turn of the century is a good example: they'd find a rival gas station, open up a new Standard Oil

60 feet max distance? They want me to pay $40 to launch a snowball half as far as I can throw it???

Can we please stop blaming Netflix for stuff like this and start blaming the clowns who are actually responsible, i.e. the movie studios? Netflix is not trying to steal your money in exchange for a crappy streaming service, they're trying to make the service awesome and reasonably priced because they know that

Post title says 2010, not 2012.

Can people who don't know anything about the system or what a loophole is please stop calling Amazon's smart tax practices loophole exploitation? Current law prevents states from collecting sales tax from retailers who don't have Nexus (a physical presence like a store) in that state. This law was in effect from the

I often lose faith in the human race, and then I see something like this and it's all restored just like that.

So why not offer a premium instant watch for an extra $5 a month that allows access to those new release movies? Surely enough people would sign up for it if it meant greater access to new releases, and those satisfied with what they have now or not wanting to pay more can keep to the current plan.

A company is valued on it's ability to generate profits, and so far Groupon has been pretty damn good at that.

Obviously this isn't worth it to watch a movie on your own, but invite six or eight friends over to split the cost and you're only paying $4 or so each, not to mention avoiding the absurd concession prices. With a good HD + surround sound setup and some comfy couches this is more than worth it.

Does Gizmodo even write articles anymore? It seems like 2/3 of what I click on is less than 100 words that either repeat the title or just link somewhere else. Come on guys, this used to be my favorite time wasting site on the web.

As a club Ultimate Frisbee player I will never settle for less than a Discraft 175 gram Ultrastar

The biggest problem with this is that the chances of the same number of facebook friends wanting to go to the same show are slim to none, as are the chances of you being able to buy tickets to shows you want to see. I've sold and bought tickets on Craigslist for face value or just around it, and this 'solution'

Designed with Mac computers in mind but no Thunderbold connection? What gives?

The early symptoms of cancer are very similar to minor colds, a lot of general fatigue and low-grade fever but often nothing serious enough to go to the doctor about for several days. I had the exact same type of cancer when I was 12, and I remember feeling mildly ill and pretty tired for about a week before we

Nifty security features in the bills are all fine and good, but how the hell is the cashier at Target supposed to determine if it has an organic transistor or not?

Didn't watch the video, but I spent a good two weeks in one of my business classes on waiting line modeling, which proves that one line leading to all registers is significantly more efficient - if you have the space to do so. It doesn't really work in any store that uses shopping carts because they take up too much

@jepzilla: Care to explain how it's okay for the government to lie and cover up clear crimes and human rights violations in Iraq and Afghanistan but it's wrong for Wikileaks to reveal that those crimes have been committed?

Has anyone else ever considered that a terrorist with a bomb could just detonate it the huge security line and kill a few hundred people that way without ever having to pass though security? Or that any number of armed gunmen could enter the airport freely and then just shoot everyone in the security line? If I was

Netbook. I like typing on real keys thank you very much.