
I started with the $8.99 one-disc streaming plan more than a year ago, and honestly I'd rather save a buck or two a moth and just take the streaming service. I had Benjamin Button for about five months and never bothered to watch it because I can always find something that fits my mood exactly when I want to watch a

@Knight: There also isn't nearly enough data to show that 3D is a significant trend in the first place, so we're going off what little data is available.

Dear Gizmodo: Revenue does not equal profit. Revenue is the total amount of money brought in this quarter, and profit is revenue minus expenses and taxes. Sincerely, HoboJoe.

Taxes themselves are pretty damn un-fun, but learning about a lot of the theory and incentive in our tax system can be interesting. For example, Capital gains are taxed lower than ordinary income in order to encourage people to invest and grow the economy. Businesses have to deduct computer hardware over a useful

Really though, who would take a $100,000+ car on a road trip across the country anyway? If I had a really nice Porche I sure as hell wouldn't drive it 2000 miles to see my family or go to a wedding or whatever, because when I have enough money to afford that car I sure as hell have another car better suited to trips

Can we please, please stop calling every kind of public issue/problem/scandal something-gate? Watergate was named because it happened at the Watergate hotel, not because it involved water and adding gate somehow indicates scandal. Kthxbye

Really Gizmodo, this upteenth post about Apple and the iPhone problem gets a bigger picture than the fact that the biggest ecological disaster of the 20th century might be over?

If you're Consumer Reports, shouldn't you actually, you know, TEST the products you are reviewing before publishing a recommendation? Especially on something as significant as the iPhone which has millions of unit sales that your review can potentially affect?

@The_Vitto: True, but encouraging them certainly doesn't do any good as they'll now think it's safe and not just them being stupid.

@gebinsk: Ohhh, that makes so much more sense now, I didn't see that at all in the picture. I'm assuming once you scan it it links you to the real ad then? Nifty trick, although I doubt most smartphone owners (read: old people with Blackberries) could figure it out.

This is an awful idea for an app. Texting while driving is absurdly dangerous, and this is only going to encourage people to put the lives of others in danger because they can't wait until they stop driving to send a message.

Can someone explain to mere mortal exactly what in the world is going on? Am I supposed to download an app and then suddenly the picture of the beautiful people appears? Is it an image trick or a hidden link or what? And what (android) app can help me solve such mysterious riddles?

Visual differences are much easier to comprehend and comprehend quickly than auditory differences. The difference between a 60" 1080p Blu-ray and a rebroadcast of Howdy Doody on a 16" black and white is clear in an instant, while listing to a high quality audio system versus your ipod earbuds takes significantly more

@headc4se: My current job/internship gives everyone a PC to use then backs up all the data wirelessly to a central server, so all I'd need an external HDD for is personal use. I do suppose that someone with their own business or working for a smaller company could definitely use that much space.

3TB? I'm nowhere near filling up my 1TB drive, I have no idea how I'd ever manage to use that much space. USB 3.0 would be nice though...

@Mayor McRib: Just because it isn't affecting you doesn't mean the problem is overblown. As mentioned several times before if you live in a big city with strong reception you may not notice at all, but for millions of people who don't it's a serious problem that needs to be talked about and publicized until Apple

Man, that Dentyne gum must be really good if it's up there twice.

@Emperor_was_a_jerk: We actually talked about it in one of my business classes this semester. The odds of you actually having this problem are pretty astronomical, and because of the huge PR backlash (completely overhyped imo) Toyotas are significantly cheaper now than they were before the whole thing.

Toyota immediately recognized it's mistake and took every necessary step to fix it. I'll be buying a new Toyota far sooner than I'll be buying a new iPhone.

Dumb on both sides. If no one ever imitated other people's successes we wouldn't be nearly as technologically advanced as we are. Who cares whether Android copied the iPhone or not? The main point is that they're pushing each other to continually innovate and make a better phone, which is good for everyone.