
Yeah Im in Texas and think articles like this are cute. 2 weeks of unbearable heat 2 weeks try the entire summer and part of October then blather on about your love of ceiling fans!

Ahem but didn’t you know? According to Gawker, NYC is the only city that exists

Yeah. I lol’d at the headline. No thanks. It’s been in the 90’s here since April and only getting hotter. Plus, all that humidity means that shade, spray bottles, fans, etc are all useless.

For people living in NYC or northward, agreed.

Ooooh, a “The Problem With _____” hot take. This is getting Slate-y!

And as everyone knows “I’ve never been into the show” means ‘I’ve never seen the show, but here is my opinion anyways.

This is very Slate-y.

What Mitt wishes 2012 looked like.

It’s an upgrade in opponent for Evander, as Romney will just talk your ear off.

Though it would be the first time he’s beaten a black guy since Alan Keyes in 2008.

For God’s sake Holyfield, pull down on his trunks so we can answer that magic underwear question once and for all.

More like exercising the right to bare arms.

A GOPer is trying to keep the black man down while exercising his right to bear arms. What’s so fishy about that?

Good to hear from middle class America. Now, get of your asses and do something about it.

Thanks! I’ll put them in a savings account hopefully in a couple years they can become more points.

Bollocks, I’ll fuck Rupert Murdoch if I want to.

"Unfortunately, wearing one immediately places you on the Do Not Fuck list. "