Well the payroll department sent out $0 checks on the missed pay day so they’ve been at work the whole time. I’d hope they have all the information all set up and can just hit print.
Well the payroll department sent out $0 checks on the missed pay day so they’ve been at work the whole time. I’d hope they have all the information all set up and can just hit print.
I like how he’s laying out the math on the profit margin as if employees working for a standard rate give a shit. You want employees to care about profits? Share the profits with them.
He said “From a policy perspective I’m happy with 60-70% of what has been accomplished.” So they may not be the ones actually locking children in cages but they sure like the fact that someone’s doing it.
The bill that was brought to the floor reopened the government and then it was amended by republicans to only give federal workers back pay and not reopen the government.
Ask your president to end the shutdown then
His real base is the ultra wealthy, if they turn then Fox turns and the people who watch cable news all day will then turn
OMG the best burgers you’ve ever had. Go find one and make sure to order SmashFries on the side, not the regular ones, and a milkshake.
He’s expecting a riotous reaction to his terrible decisions one of these days...
Everything about that tweet with the MSNBC clip is misleading. First, people illegally crossing the border are not more likely to be committing crimes once here so no crime won’t necessarily fall. Second, of course a border patrol agent feels that it’s a crisis-hammers see nails. Third, there was a camera on the…
Which is why we also have to tax capital gains above a certain amount at a higher rate.
Sadly, I feel like this beard will make him look less smarmy once it fills in a little better. Next he’ll stop slicking back his hair and then we won’t be able to tell that he’s a slimy slumlord at first glance anymore.
If you have any stairs leading up to your door, opening out could be a serious safety hazard.
If you didn’t see the movie in theaters then you don’t really care, if it’s in $2 theaters it’s up for grabs.
Does it have to have original content or could it just be what netflix was supposed to be in the first place, a streaming service for movies?
They could’ve just been honest and said that their fans are brats likely to instigate a fight at the tournament.
I’m a bad enough person that I would audibly laugh and/or gasp at a rejection.
Someone please explain to my uncreative self why we need in person voting at all in the age of the internet?
Yeah let’s all fight over the scraps! Seriously dude, everyone deserves a good career with the option to retire, why would you begrudge someone that rather than try to push for it for those in the private sector?
I highly recommend the sweaters that are somewhere between a sweater and a blouse, not so thick that it’s outerwear but not so thin that it’s one of those far too lightweight blouses that are ridiculously cold in any office setting. And skirts with good tights are really comfy.
Is anyone raising money to put up a giant screen in front of the white house with the clip of Trump claiming responsibility on a loop?