This is why Michelle said she’s never considered running for office, she doesn’t like having to put on a face for everyone. She jumped into those sexy comfy clothes in Italy so fast after trump’s inauguration.
This is why Michelle said she’s never considered running for office, she doesn’t like having to put on a face for everyone. She jumped into those sexy comfy clothes in Italy so fast after trump’s inauguration.
I would hope that someone who’s thoughtful enough to get the conversation hogger to stfu would also not call out someone they can tell isn’t trying to speak.
If you’re going to use a beard to cover your extra chins you have to not shave them.
I understand the jump to absurdity but they’re literally saying that people that take up more land should have more votes and people that choose to live near other people on smaller pieces of land are less important. Which is just like “what? why?” how does that make sense?
If babies can wear headphones as hearing protection at live shows they can wear them with the volume at a reasonable level on an airplane.
Who would EVER watch something out loud on an airplane?! Everyone is trapped in their seats, many are trying to sleep! In what world is it fair for you to force them to listen to your show?!
Ooo I like that one, just turn to someone specific in the group and ask them their opinion.
As a constantly unintentionally loud person I’m having a lot of embarrassing memories triggered by this article.
Better working conditions except the part where you have to justify any down time since you live at your job.
I always felt that pickups for white-collar workers were over-compensating. And then I had a ugly ass Raptor in my rearview and realized that they’re also trying to make up for emotional issues.
Well Demi must be doing really well because I never look that nice after a workout. She’s glowing!
I’m cheap and I don’t pay to pick my seat so I just get assigned a middle seat when I arrive at the airport.
Canned tuna is gross! I have always thought so, even before I was spoiled with delicious raw tuna. MMMM sushiiiiii.
Laverne Cox is a really good suggestion!!
Hot take: That dress is tacky.
Or Israel could, you know, end the occupation and allow Palestinians to conduct normal economic lives without constant fear of arrest/bombs.
I would’ve screamed and scared the dog even worse
That’s what I thought it was. I’m afraid of any kind of grates/holes in the ground for fear of dropping something or falling through. I actually have dropped things in the toilet and had to fish them out so I figured she had the same feeling.
Remember when Michelle cut bangs and everyone was like “damn she looks so different!” Literally headlines, about bangs. So yeah Ayanna isn’t going to be able to change too much if she wants people to recognize her.
I love that this is JezSpin. This is pinnacle JezSpin.