
I have to disagree with your advice to ADULTS. It’s possible that the father is interested in having public relationships with men now that he’s a widower but is ashamed, so it would be kind of his children to let him know that they wouldn’t judge him for being gay and they wouldn’t begrudge him moving on after his

Ariana Grande returns $93k ring (to the jeweler).”

I mean girth is important but we’re not looking for chodes

My cats irritate the fuck out of me when I’m trying to fall asleep, they’ve learned that I’m not coming out until sometime between 7 and 8 and don’t start meowing until then.

Sofas are where a large number of house fires start as most are caused by human error and the sofa tends to be where people relax and stop paying attention to what they’re doing. 

You failed to mention that one of the stipulations of a CAC loan (at least in MN) is that the buyer is required to purchase GAP coverage. If people’s cars are breaking down they should be given the resources to file the claim to have the remaining amount of the loan paid off rather than CAC garnishing their wages. I’m

Look, the confederacy was traitorous and people who willingly enlisted in their army were traitors. But the whole point of the Union was to maintain unity. Those soldiers died because of their own stupid choice but because the Union didn’t recognize the secession they were still American citizens. After a civil war a

Oh my goodness those eyebrows!! <3

I think that even if he didn’t go into it intending to abuse his power that he should’ve recognized the possibility and headed it off, even if she were the one to initiate. It just could never be an emotionally healthy dynamic.

I love having the cookies at other events over the summer. Who knew cookies went so well with hip-hop?

To all the Somali-Minnesotans, I’m so sorry you have to put up with this crap all the time. You are welcome here and are an important part of our community. This person is clearly a piece of shit and you deserve better.

I just keep a window open and scroll down when I have time

Just looking at the picture the winner is the tastiest looking, like the texture looks on point.

Some of the powers are simple dumb things that people were just made to feel bad about. Most of the mutations were really low level, even angel wings were considered beyond basic, and there were very few high-level/murderous powers. I’m with you that those would need regulation though.

Exactly, this guy belongs in prison but if we’re gonna let him run around in public we can at least not having him working a job where he carries any weapons. He can just go work in an Amazon warehouse and stop being a danger to society 40 hours a week. 

So if I steal someone’s car, and then bring it back the next day undamaged I haven’t committed a crime?

If you ever fall in love with a used couch, I recommend getting a professional auto detailer to clean it. They know how to get in all the nooks and crannys and deal with all kinds of materials. I’ve known people who got smoke and allergens out of used furniture. 

If you ever fall in love with a used couch, I recommend getting a professional auto detailer to clean it. They know

I almost brought mine on a plane once and had to stop carrying it everywhere after that.

hahahaha that’s a good one. And a good way to get people to not sit in your row when they see you drinking out of a medical bag.