
Probably there were invites, the man was known throughout the world and the church can only seat so many people.

That was in the music video for the song Miss You which was released as a single posthumously

Something must be wrong with me, I really like Perrier’s lime. The carbonation is lovely and the lime is at the right level for me.

That sounds like most kids at a school with a successful sports team.

That’s interesting, I wonder if Jon approached Lebron about doing this.

I knew Jezebel would have a more entertaining take on this story than Gizmodo. I love you guys so much.

Also the bananas foster french toast.

The nordic waffles are amazing.

Midtown Global Market rotates which of their restaurants they send to the fair.

I know lots of people are commenting on how this is gaslighting but it’s so frustrating that they couldn’t just say that the police and the community need to reconnect and rebuild trust in another context and offer a free summer camp run by the police to neighborhood kids. Officers should want to shed their biases as

That is an impressively put-together DUI mugshot. He looks like he could be an Affleck in that one. I’m also a big fan of the dress pic, he’s rocking the hell out of it.

I was thinking the same thing but I do more of a tense and then relax than a stretch.

I say they should go the singles route. There’s no point in putting together an album unless you have a story to tell a la Kendrick Lamar. There are plenty of artists that I know many of their singles that were released within 2 or 3 years of each other and am not clear which album they came off of, nor do I care.

That’s what I’m saying, no one else has actively stepped in and saved Arpaio from the consequences of his actions like Trump.

I want to see the demographic breakdown of that 21% undecided.

Exactly, they’re not working as police officers. It’s not like they should’ve been walking around with badges but they could have just been casually honest about being police officers. Kids have some biases but it doesn’t take too many nice actions to get on their good side or there wouldn’t be PALs all over the

I’d say that the hired band does have an obligation to respect the idiosyncracies of the performer that hired them. I’d say this isn’t that much more serious than if Jennifer Lopez asked her team to never call her Jenny, only Jennifer (which I’m pretty sure she does). The whole thing about being difficult to rehearse

So then they didn’t need to lie about being cops right? They could’ve just said from the beginning that they were police that care about kids???

Well yeah duh cops can be normal human beings when they’re at summer camp playing around all week. They’re gonna go back to their jobs and put their hate and abuse back on with their uniforms.

If I asked my coworkers to call me something I expect them to have the respect to call me that, much less someone I’m hiring. I don’t see why it’s controversial at all.