
Got promoted to another location to work in the accounting office. A week after I arrive all of the sales management team gets fired and I realize that this location has been completely reliant on another location to do their accounting. So I’m in the position of doing most of the paperwork with new management who

No, this is a literal cartoon” is like missionary winning the sex positions contest, the boringest, no fun answer.

I haven’t been doing this long but it did work for me. I find that calorie counting is very stressful and makes me think about food which makes me more hungry. The easiest thing has been to do an elimination diet but with a deadline: vegan, no added sugar, nothing to drink except water. The sugar cravings went away

It seems like your husband doesn’t know what would actually make him happy. I say you just do what makes you happy without relying on him for any of it and give him the space to find what it is that makes him happy. As long as you’re in a place where he could walk out the door tomorrow and you’ll be ok then you’ll

pre-patch, that’s a good idea.

I think both the manager and the customer overreacted and I don’t think that 2 wrongs make a right.

Once Lula Roe was tricking stay at home moms into debt over leggings we knew it was a crazy trend. I will never give up my Levi’s though. I might have to stock up on them for when the inner thigh inevitably frays and you’ve all put them out of business.

You’re misreading the sentence. Country refers to the hypothetical place that someone would be attempting to register the vehicle, Europe and the United States are only mentioned as specific examples of places with stricter regulations.

This reminds me of the dress code that banned short skirts even with leggings underneath in high school. The weird loophole was that leggings themselves weren’t banned as the coverage is equivalent to pants. 

Cream and sugar, it would just melt right in. I do think it’s kind of rude on the managers part seeing as they’ll give you free cream and sugar for your coffee but if it comes pre-mixed with pressure added then it costs more.

Theoretically but it’s a lot easier to hold a baby by the crotch in pants.

You gotta get on that youtube series, your caption will be “I’m a terrible parent because I can’t put my daughter’s ponytail on the front of her head.”

What state is this where she doesn’t have a front license plate?

How side does she want it? Like 80s style on top of her ear?

My kitten often thinks that we’re just playing when I do it but he doesn’t run away from getting his claws trimmed like the cat I adopted as an adult.

I love that they had enough headphones ready for everyone just in case.

Also recommended with small kittens is doing things that a lot of cats find annoying but that may be very useful in caring for them: Pick them up and hold them in all positions including a cradle, dig in between their toes and squeeze their paws, put your fingers in their mouth. When they’re little they barely mind it

If you’re expected to come early and stay late all the time then you just have longer than an 8 hour workday schedule and they should just list those hours.  

Don’t they also make it into dry milk or evaporated milk?