
Everyone is right here— The label said to check with a doctor first. The original commenter checked with his/her pediatrician and the doctor said it was fine to use and probably gave revised dosage amounts.

Is that the one where Blanche gets eaten alive? I might be confusing it with The Walking Dead...

We just got the book “Henny Penny” for the library. Four characters are devoured in a cave and only one animal escapes. I did not remember that from when i was a kid.

I get that, kind of-- but it’s still contrary to religious teachings as I understand them. If we trust that the Lord is handling eternal damnation, why do we need to punish someone with death?

How does Arkansas feel about abortion? Oh, they think it’s murder? Hmm. No reason.

Does reading Dirt Bag count?

One of the boys has been identified as an illegal immigrant and is allowed in the US pending a hearing with a judge (not yet scheduled). The other boy’s immigration status isn’t clear- but there’s nothing that currently indicates that he is an illegal immigrant. I misspoke in saying he was American, it’s not confirmed


This needs to be a regular feature.

Good to know, thank you!

I’m 15 years out so maybe it’s not used anymore-- but it was still taught when I was in school.

I assume the local prosecutor could negotiate a lesser sentence. If the John raped her (or had consensual sex with her first) I assume the prosecutor would be far less interested in making a deal. A law like that could also be used by perpetrators to get a free pass after they engage in criminal activity.

This isn’t a new phenomenon. Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death outside of her building New York, and none of the 30+ witnesses called the police or attempted to intervene. Her story is taught in Psych 101 as an example of bystander effect.

...Or all the times he illegally deletes and re-posts tweets because of typos or mistakes. (He doesn’t seem to mind the ones with factual mistakes though-- those tweets get to stay up.)

Hahahahahahahahhaa No.

I also do not have a formal role with the administration and I do not get paid by the federal government. When do I get my WH office?

I wish I didn’t mean the band. The alternative would have been more fun.

Thank you. I just have to remind myself that each day is a new day of recovery. From listening to Bush albums.

I say not enough-- or at least she needs longer ones. Hardwood floors echo so much, with two sons that has to get noisy.

I had to pretend to like Bush because my friends loved Bush.