Rapists also use that technique.
Rapists also use that technique.
Oh how I wish I had. That’s the trick with these type of people— they are pros at slowly escalating the crazy. Usually they start out so great that when they do one weird thing, you discount it because 99% of the time is good. Then they find over ways to get you to question your instincts.
Don’t do that, he’d enjoy it.
But do you really think he would ever do anything nice for his wife? You know, besides leaving her so she can live in peace?
Wow, that’s a good one too.
My personal favorite from my dating history (and for the record, I never cheated nor ever gave anyone any reason to think I was going to cheat.)
Southern women know shade, Well done Reese.
Dang, they are potatoes. I thought the pointy ends were fingers of some sort.
Sure... “last night”. It’s been at least a week.
I am so happy/terrified someone else thinks the way I do.
This is amazing.
Haunted kale.
Men are not equipped to handle this type of work. It’s a biological thing-- low T, you know.
Hey, remember when someone pointed out that when you exclude the US press corps from the Sec of State’s travel, it means the only reporting done on the meetings will come from the foreign press?
Everyone has their challenges and fears, regardless of their level of privilege in life. That said-- Fuck you Caitlyn. Stop using your platform to whine about how hard it was for a rich, famous, white, Olympic athlete to find support. Spend more time fighting for others without those advantages— AND STOP VOTING FOR…
I agree that it would take a truly special person to support their spouse to transition. I would add that supporting a spouse doesn’t mean staying married or keeping quiet about one’s own needs. There are lots of examples of divorced couples that support each other but that make a decision that a marriage would no…
This deserves more stars.
Dying. Dead. Deceased.
Fetuses need to choose between that new iphone and getting insurance.
How about a bill that says men are responsible for 50% of costs related to pregnancy? Ya know, since life begins at conception, shouldn’t child support begin then too?