It’s cool, you don’t need data anymore. Just say that very interesting reports will be coming out in the coming weeks and then send a tweet about Snoop. You’re all set.
It’s cool, you don’t need data anymore. Just say that very interesting reports will be coming out in the coming weeks and then send a tweet about Snoop. You’re all set.
TS: Women shouldn’t criticize me, women should uplift each other. Yay feminism!
#rhinestonepenisrocketshipbrooch ?
I would guess that it also opens up those practitioners to criminal and civil liability because now they have to prove they did everything in their power to save the (non-existent, not viable) fetus.
I assume medical intervention also comes with an added price tag. So the cost of an abortion will go up on women who are likely unable to bear the cost. Great.
I was being a brat, there was a typo in the original comment that I was teasing about. I am sad about the world falling apart, Ivanka and Justin becoming friends, dogs and cats living together... so I take it out here.
Such as? I’m too lazy to read it.
I don’t even know who Stephen Clobert is and I guarantee I would vote for him over Trump.
I don’t consider this whining. They are taking action about what they perceive to be an unfair distribution of money within the hockey industry. They know that there is a risk that they will all lose their hockey jobs so in that sense they are taking ownership of their income potential.
But that’s the difference— Erin Andrews is a rational human. Amanda Seyfried is currently possessed by a parasitic fetus that may force her to bypass the courts and just rip this guy’s arms off.
Or to be literal, don’t fuck any dude who looks at these.
That hacker better watch out— pregnancy rage is real.
Not a Catholic but—
Dolphins are assholes. They just have better PR.
It feels like we’ve tried everything, over and over again.
I get super ragey when I see the RHOBH clip when Kim Richards freaks out on Brandy because Brandy says something about her being addicted to meth. Brandy shouldn’t have said it, but I think the reason Kim gets so angry is because she views addiction as a hierarchy of acceptable/cool/sophisticated substances. And…
Agreed-- I think what I am stuck on is that I don’t know what she wanted or felt in that situation. I assume she was comfortable with not testing, but it’s totally possible that she felt controlled or like she didn’t have a voice. I just haven’t read anything from her that states that. (But could still be the case,…
If you don’t care what strangers think, maybe spend less time commenting on articles on the internet and getting angry when they disagree with you. If you do care, you can read on.
Your first comment rubbed me the wrong way. You’ve made a judgment about how a stranger chose to manage medical decisions. I think that judging a woman for including her husband’s opinion in her medical choices is as bad as someone who judges a woman for excluding her husband’s opinion in her medical choices. And I…