
Just a note if you go to your audiologist for your pap smear: Those are headsets, not stirrups.

Did she disagree with him? Did she want the test? I don’t see anything that indicates that she felt that she didn’t have agency.

Totally agree on the pre-marital counseling sessions. Ours were through a church (not Catholic but similar idea) and I resisted at first. We still refer to some of the results of our program.

Russia doesn’t need to wiretap Trump-- he just tells them everything at their weekly bunco game.

You’re right, I painted with too broad a brush there. But it’s still their choice as to whether or not to get the screenings done.

You can manage your pregnancies however you want. I choose for mine to be a joint experience- and relationship- with my spouse. That is my right and acting like you can decide for anyone else how they should manage their health and life events seems contrary to the idea of autonomy.

I mean, we should still all be scared. And we should use that fear to protest/get people to vote/speak to our reps, etc. But when it comes to the judicial branch, I have been continually impressed with their ability to stand up to The Crazy. Judges continue to rule against unconstitutional laws and executive orders,

...Which is why every woman gets to make that decision for herself. For Mayte, she chose for it to be a joint decision with Prince. I am definitely the alpha in my relationship but when it came to genetic screening during pregnancy, I wanted it to be a joint decision between my husband and me as well.

Then you haven’t read my fanfic.

Seriously, how do they do it day after day? Bannon gets to hide from the press and has no soul, but Conway and Spicer go out day after day to attempt to defend insanity. They have to know it’s all crap. Do they really believe in this guy? Or are they so desperate for the fame?

I know people at the DOJ and I don’t agree that it’s full of loyalists. In fact, I would say that morale is so low there across the board that no one would risk their career for Trump.

If the Trump Tower was bugged after the inauguration, the Secret Service would be the ones who failed at securing the president. I really really really hope that guys like Manafort and Flynn aren’t capable of outsmarting the Secret Service.

But if she didn’t report it, it sends the message that the “Liberal Media” only reports on things that prove their own narrative. (I do think Maddow should have downplayed its value, or at least not hyped it up so much.)

Given his love of gambling, I would not be shocked to hear that his addiction crosses activities/substances.

Except that in this context, parent would change the entire meaning of his statement.

Why is it when we talk about male hormones it’s all “Boys will be boys” but when we talk about women’s hormones, it’s all “PMSing irrational bitches”?

If the military can criminalize adultery, I am lost as to why they are so befuddled about how to criminalize revenge porn and sexual harassment. They know that their service members and veterans will freak out if they are told they have to act appropriately so they don’t even try.

Alternate headline:

Young me: Jordan for sure.