And Trump is playing his part perfectly too. Instead of saying that he supports Sessions but wants to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, he went off on another rant about a witch hunt following the elections.
And Trump is playing his part perfectly too. Instead of saying that he supports Sessions but wants to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, he went off on another rant about a witch hunt following the elections.
In the case of Flynn, the FBI reported it because whatever was said (helo, hacking and election fraud and sanctions) put Flynn in a position to be blackmailed. If they didn’t come forth about Sessions, I assume the discussion didn’t cross over into these forbidden territories.
It used to be Mother.
But this is one of those car chases that seems to go on long after the tires blow, the rims are gone, and the car should be out of gas.
Whoever made those Russian flags for CPAC should have sold them and not handed them out, they would have made a fortune.
I assume part of the resistance to dropping the penny in the US is unintended inflation. Businesses would not want to lose money by rounding down the cost of their product, but rounding up would cause the cost of goods to go up and that would hurt consumers.
There’s totally a plan. My girlfriend read it. She’s Canadian, you wouldn’t know her.
But then (hopefully) it will be the Dems’ turn to step in and fix things. So there better have a good plan ready or the blame will just get volleyed back.
Rep. Chris Collins, who sits on the Energy Committee, told the news outlet that “unfortunately,” the bill might have to be voted on before the CBO gets to see it.
Not to mention, this assumes that people were previously watching high-brow programming. People have been attracted to trash entertainment forever.
I’d prefer that to our horny bunnies. I interrupted a threesome last year, it was awkward.
I agree-- but I will still delight in it because the man seems to have no sense of humor about himself at all.
This. It’s not like he qualified his answer, or the question was phrased to limit the scope to his role with the Trump campaign. He even defines himself AS A TRUMP SURROGATE at one point. How can anyone possibly argue that he didn’t straight-up lie? (And if he “forgot”, he could have amended his testimony later. He…
I’m not quite sure how your response refutes the quote you pulled out. It is possible for the current administration to be making this move because it is the most politically advantageous, not because it’s the right thing to do— even though it IS the right thing to do. I read this quote as more of a statement about…
I’ve heard talk about this for the US too but we can’t agree on anything these days, even pennies.
I earned $2 an hour when I waited tables in New Orleans. In the summer it was very slow so there were days that I would pay more in parking ($10) than I earned all shift.
we don’t have pennies in Canada, that’s why the rounding
At least it’s not a picture of a moose.
I interpret that more as a reflection on Americans and our absurd and outdated sense of patriotism— which is actually just a bully’s misguided superiority complex. The US is a high school quarterback who graduated two years ago and doesn’t understand why the cheerleaders think he’s creepy, while Canada is actually…
This raises an interesting point— where were the handlers, agents, and “den mothers” in this situation?