Go to work, and then on your lunch break be sure to call all of your reps about a women’s issue that matters to you.
Go to work, and then on your lunch break be sure to call all of your reps about a women’s issue that matters to you.
Is that how you feel when you take a day off in general? Or are you feeling like the purpose of the day off is less important than the needs of your clients?
Personally I’ll take a vacation day. I’ll also probably explain to my boss why I am out for the day to help amplify the action.
It’s not just about “not doing” what we do everyday. It’s about using that time to focus on women’s issues. So if a SAHM tells her spouse he needs to take the day off so she can write letters and volunteer and protest and call her reps, that sounds very valuable to me.
Are you a woman? We make less than men, that might be why you haven’t gotten your check yet. .
I think if you do ALL that’s outlined above-- participate in activism, call your reps, and use the day off to support women and families in your community-- of course! If it’s just a day off, it’s still ok. Just don’t tell people you’re at home in your boxers playing Skyrim to support the women’s movement.
...But if you do take the day off, the idea is that you use that time to support activism, call your reps, protest, volunteer, etc. So it’s very likely that other women will have to fill the gap of your absence but that doesn’t mean that your time away from the school isn’t the best use of that time.
That’s not the goal. Read the post again.
You and I disagree about the fundamental purpose of the demonstration. You latched on to two words out of the entire event description— self-care — and overlooked absolutely everything else. This isn’t meant to be a national mani/pedi day.
I don’t know who your sitter is.
Yup.... So you can decide what you want to do with the day. If you really think your kid’s school will be canceled, book a sitter now. Or plan a back-up playdate at someone else’s house (split the day— you’ll take them in the AM, they’ll take them in the PM). Or decide how to incorporate your child in your day of…
This possibility sucks, but protests are meant to be disruptive. If the point is to show that women are vital to the economy and that the absence of women would result in huge consequences that ripple beyond their local place of employment, then a school cancellation demonstrates it very well.
If the purpose of the day is to show the impact of women in the workforce, I still think staying home (even if it means your kid stays home too) is worth it. Not that you need to be reminded, but if a school day is disrupted it proves the entire point-- You (the general you) depend on women to do their jobs so you can…
I’m sure more info on this will be coming out, but that’s a good question. I would say you should go to work and acknowledge those who are out and their reasons for being out (helping to reinforce the message to your confused coworkers who don’t get why it’s so quiet).
Strike isn’t the right word here-- it’s a demonstration of the impact of women in the workforce and economy, not a true strike.
Greta Van Sustern has a great track record of sniffing out lying women who are only in it for the fame. /s
Which is awesome, but also-- This guy is facing more opposition than Betsy DeVos?? What the hell.
That casting was amazing.
I’m impressed because she got exactly what she wanted. I’m annoyed because all three cover photos are bad and Serena’s would have been better.
JFC, right? How the hell can someone say those words out loud with a straight face?