(A scene study)
(A scene study)
Yup-- he needs to believe he can make some glorious exit with his adoring fans weeping and throwing roses in his general direction.
This is all from today.
Depends-- will there be a bow in it?
Same-- or at least a gay little girl.
I inadvertently forced som gender norms on my kid. He now insists I draw a bow on any drawings of girls. Because all girls wear bows.
I’m curious, are there any female American Girls dolls that have more masculine haircuts? Not just short hair like a cute bob, but short-short hair? I imagine there are lots of little girls who would appreciate that doll. Especially if she fit into Logan’s wardrobe.
I know, I was shocked too. Two of the four are the same ones who objected to DoVos.
I thought I saw that right now there are four republicans who are planning on voting against him? I think that’s enough to torpedo the nomination. Assuming Mcconnell can’t offer them enough earmarks to make it worth it to them to flip their vote...
Yup— but it’s also easy to judge her decision now. Again, it’s like a breakup. Sometimes you tell the person a white lie for why you’re ending it and sometimes you give them the painful truth. You can second-guess which you choose to do but it was her call to make.
Stephen Miller at home with the family.
I wish I could look that guy in the eyes and tell him that if he didn’t want his girlfriend to have an abortion, he shouldn’t have had unprotected sex with her. And he shouldn’t have put her in a position to be tempted to have unprotected sex with him.
I’ve read your comments and I don’t want to discount your feelings but I’m trying to play it out in different ways where everyone can leave the situation feeling okay. And the only other option would have been for her to not tell you at all.
Do you think that’s what’s behind the Bill O’Reilly divorce?
Exactly. He is sad about it. But he wouldn’t have legally prevented her from getting an abortion.
But boys will be boys!
I am going to start making donations to PP in these people’s honor and then posting about it on their walls.
Every. Single. Case. of. Unwanted. Pregnancy. Involved. Sperm.
Are there a lot of men out there who were desperate for a woman to carry the pregnancy that they terminated? Like, is this even a thing? Because I’m pretty sure most guys in this situation would be happy with the woman’s choice.