
Oh yeah, the Bruce genes do not work well in women.

Agreed, but devil’s advocate here—

They would just have to settle for being intelligent, rich, and well-connected.

I assume that with no kids, she’ll probably put her wealth into a foundation when she dies. The other magical thing about that much money is that it’s self-sustaining on interest alone for a looong time. Her money can do good for generations to come.

I agree, but I do think the trend towards more philanthropy is growing amongst the mega-rich. In the US, Warren Buffet gets a lot of credit for calling out his fellow billionaires to donate the majoirty of their wealth. The Gates family is doing awesome things around disease and worldwide poverty.

So glad she named the director. I get that it’s detrimental to one’s career to go up against a big name, but that’s the only way to change the culture of any industry.

Get engaged in politics at every level. Know who is running for every office in your town— school board, local judge, everyone. Vote. Volunteer for campaigns. Show up at every local and state town hall. Be visible and persistent.

My born-again friend refers to this as “re-wrapping your gift.”

Eh, even Eva Peron got a musical out of dictatorship.

So what are the potential consequences? Not that Kellyanne will face any, but I’m curious what all other federal employees would be faced with.

But she can’t divest from her own name. That will continue to go up in value over the next few years, espcailly if she continues to be smart enough to keep her mouth shut.

This is the problem with divestiture when your name is your brand. Even if Ivanka did divest, she’ll jump back in four years from now and her name will be even more valuable. She’ll still profit from her connection to the president.

I love babaganouj. That is all.

But wait— she divested, right? So it not even her stuff? Right? Because the Trumps took care of all of their conflicts of interest.

I don’t know what DVT is but I don’t feel like googling it. I am going to assume it’s an STD transmitted by tray tables being jammed into your crotch.

It is a little off to bring it up after the fact. If they had an issue with them smelling like marijuana, they shouldn’t have let them on the flight. Not to mention, is it really the pot heads who start trouble on flights? I’m more concerned about the Real Housewife who mixed her uppers and downers with too much

I would love to hear from all the people on the flight who got to go back to the gate to let Jason Derulo and his entourage off because he didn’t want to spend $4000 on bags (because they were late to the airport).

The cost goes up when you have extra bags or they are oversized. When you consider that the weight of the baggage on a flight directly impacts how much fuel the plane needs and therefore directly cuts into airline profitability, it makes sense.

They probably did. But they didn’t check their bags-- they had one person stay behind to take a later flight and check all 19 bags. It’s not like that person could apply the status of a bunch of people on a different flight to get free bags.

Unless they did, in fact, smell like marijuana.