I am hobbit-sized and I have never complained about leg room until this year. United is awful but the others aren’t much better.
I am hobbit-sized and I have never complained about leg room until this year. United is awful but the others aren’t much better.
Her company has been sued more than once for infringing on the designs of others, which is actually fairly rare in the fashion world given how common knockoffs are.
I don’t think he’s hot in pictures but Damn The Night Manager.
Would you rather: A munchkin or an oompa loompa?
And that’s not to say that red states aren’t valuable and important to our country. But it does show that there is a huge gap in understanding about social services - who needs them and who uses them. Perhaps part of the red state resentment of forms of welfare is that they see their neighbors getting assistance and…
I wonder if any of the contractors he refused to pay after they completed their work were “great people”?
1) Not my stat or my graphic, but happy to respond anyway.
It wouldn’t matter in 2015. But “facts” and “laws” no longer apply in 2016/2017. No to mention, pointing this out to Trump is enough to confuse him for a few days.
This is not a case about sexual proclivities. It is about rape.
I don’t want to put another woman at risk, but maybe we could hire an escort to speed this up a little?
Probably-- but they used KFC buckets of chicken.
Tom is that good-looking guy that you can’t believe is single. And halfway through the first date you realize that there are many valid reasons that no one wants to date him.
....Or maybe they could just break off into an island, doubling the waterfront property and rewarding all the people who got stuck living in inland CA?
Depends, is she hot?*
If she didn’t want the job before, seeing the consequences of a Trump presidency has changed her mind. Too bad Booker isn’t from a swing state or we’d have the ticket right there.
it’s the age of Betsy DeVos and Donald Trump— repetition is called for.
Yes. There’s obviously the civil rights issue here (holding people indefinitely) but let’s layer in that Texas is already facing lawsuits for not air conditioning prisons. I can’t imagine local jails are going to give better care to immigrants languishing in a jail cell.
Yup. I worked in TX and had to review people’s IDs and within two weeks I could easily spot a fake social security card. Any employer who says they can’t is lying.
I actually thought about that before I made my comment— if he can feel his balls or not. Even if he can’t, I like the symbolism of hitting him there.
Oh yeah, I totally agree— sorry, didn’t mean to make it sound like I was disagreeing with you or that I missed your point. We both agree that Abbott deserves a punch to the groin. Figuratively.