
The Sheriff should have been the first one to say that’s not appropriate. 

Time to get educated on your local judicial elections. A lot of judges are appointed, but you can control the pipeline of talent by voting for the right people locally.

If your daughter is a gymnast, you are probably an expert on the injuries kids can sustain. Good for you for setting the rules for your house. I hope her kid just ends up with a sprain. 

I’m with you. I read one article about this and avoided the rest because 1) I don’t want to support hackers and the press who by extension support hackers 2) it’s not particularly scandalous or interesting. So what if he did charity to get a knighthood? He gave millions of dollars in pursuit of some made-up honor that

I’m glad you never got hurt on one, but 30,000 people go to the ER a year with trampoline injuries. I ended up with a severely broken ankle requiring multiple surgeries and I didn’t fall off— I just landed a little funny.

It’s a bit like saying that falling off a three-story building is way better than falling off of a 20-story building. Yes it’s true, but both would suck.

It took me forever to assemble the DËNMÄK, but it looks great in our guest room with the ASKVOLL bed.

That is so awful. I am going to add “bounce park” to places I always tell my kids are closed.

This. Our entire economy needs to pivot to teach our kids how to live and work in an automated age. That’s not to say we don’t need and want farmers and craftsmen and laborers— but the US has to bring in a ton of talent from overseas because we don’t have Americans who can do the technical/technological work.

I worked in banking in an urban area with a lot of immigrants. The Hispanic customers were by far the most patient, nicest customers I dealt with. The Ethiopian and Eritrean customers were by far the best savers and the most interested in learning how to manage their money well.

You get a star for the gif alone.

Table saws don’t eat fingers, people eat fingers. Or something.

Let’s hope that she comes through this without serious injury and that the entire family uses their platform to promote helmets and safety precautions for kids.

And sometimes it’s not even a matter of complacency. Sometimes it’s about kids exploring their environments and not being constantly guarded or “protected”. Obviously that does not apply to clear examples of danger, but even running in socks could result in a trip to the ER.

People (Trump) don’t get how businesses work at all. Let’s say the kale farmer decides to pay $14 an hour with breaks and shade and free bottles of water and a 401(k) plan. The price of kale is now $200 a bunch. No one buys it so supermarkets import it from another country or just stop carrying it. US farmers now need

Was that in MN? Because I remember a story like that but it’s totally possible that this has happened multiple places.

5. Grizzly bears that follow your kids home from school.

I’m shocked that riding a moose didn’t crack the top three. You live, you learn. 

You say that now but just wait until you hit a banana peel or get knocked off course by a koopa shell. Next thing you know, you’ve fallen into a pit of lava.

I wouldn’t let my kid do it. That’s different than saying I blame the parents.