Among Burnham’s most important innovations for the city plan: alleys.
You may have subconsciously noted that walks thru Manhattan require you to constantly circumnavigate piles of trash on the sidewalks, waiting for pickup.
Among Burnham’s most important innovations for the city plan: alleys.
You may have subconsciously noted that walks thru Manhattan require you to constantly circumnavigate piles of trash on the sidewalks, waiting for pickup.
I can put away 2 Crumbl’s in 1 sitting. Oops.
Man I haven’t had a big black and white in a long time, the place that used to make them stopped and nobody else near me does ‘em :(
The single best donation you can make, aside from your time, is money. Food banks can stretch your dollars much further than you can, and they will be able to purchase exactly what they need.
Lol tried to sound cool and got sent to the principal’s office.
God I hate QR code menues.
When I read about her after her nomination, I believed she was qualified for the job.
So because they’re not perfect victims they don’t deserve your support?
You can support victims of abuse and still hold them responsible for victimizing others.
I was thinking of their girls as well; he doesn’t seem to understand he’s teaching his girls what to expect from a partner, and teaching his boys how to treat a partner.
“He’s a revolting misogynist.”
It was so disgusting it’s hard to forget. Something about after being with Amber a man needs to take a million showers.
I ‘memba!
What a strange comment. Supporting one particular position a person takes doesn’t require you to endorse everything else they have done in their lives. It’s not all or nothing.
I’m “Team Nobody” here. I hope Musk, Chechen dude, and Putin meet up on a desert island and we never hear from any of them ever again. to your boy. Coonye fails to realize that his actions may be drawing those two closer together.
YES!!! Rococco that mutha fucker OUT!
It’s not just mental illness (although that’s got to be a nightmare for everyone involved). Dude is a controlling abuser and that is probably exacerbated by his mental illness, but definitely not caused by it.
I’m not for poking the bear, but that is a pretty hilarious idea.
He is living so rent free in Kanye’s head.
Pete should do an instagram of him and Kim redecorating that nightmare house in some overwrought Louis the 14th style. Or at least painting the walls in primary colors.