
Of course that's not what I said but I'll address your Straw Man reply anyway. Exactly how many starving people in Africa is Larry's $300,000,000 yacht saving by sitting there in the ocean? Put another way, do you think the $300,000,000 Larry spent on that yacht could help more starving people than the hand full of

Hahaha. That describes him to a tee.

Where in my statement did I say that? Hmmmmmmm? Troll.

I responded to your first comment where you commended Ralph Lauren for creating "thousands of jobs" but I am sure you had absolutely no idea those jobs were actually in sweatshops in Bangladesh. Now you're trying to obfuscate your naive comment with this ridiculous 5 paragraph diatribe which I haven't even read

You're response is so typical. You're right, it's better that they have a sweatshop job and die or are maimed or crippled rather than starve. It's ok to pay them poorly because they are a poor people right? I guess that justifies the obscene profits they make on the backs of these poor people, rather than pay them a

Well at least Melinda Gates basically has a full time job giving money away, its pretty amazing to read about it. They talk about how to spend it and she makes it happen. If I had so much money that I had to spend it I would find some very good things to spend it on, not through foundations that eat up a percentage.

Yea, he's made thousands of low paying jobs in Bangladesh:

Ralph Lauren has earned it pretty well, it must be said...though it's still kinda disturbing that wealth inequality enables this. I have it on good authority that Blake Nordstrom has a hangar with a 1300 car collection outside of Seattle, and that he's also a nice guy, and I even really like his stores! But still. Who


You must be a blast at parties.

Remember how all of the police agencies argued that tracking citizens car movements using Automatic License plate readers and video cameras was something that did not require a warrant because those were activities that happened in public and thus were not private?

Yeah that argument applies here. What is good for the

Yet rollover rates in other vehicles equipped with the same tires were statistically identical. That would blow a giant hole in the theory that lower tire pressures were the cause of the issue.

This was $145000 less than the Airstream when we bought it 2006, it doesn't have a generator or a Diesel engine but it does have a 22re. Doesn't go anywhere fast but has taken us across the nation 3 times.

Nice dodge by that guy in front though.

Imagen Jary on Japolnet RIGHT NOW.

Not even remotely a designer, barely an engineer.

Maybe I'm confused, but there's no way you just called the Ghibli a rebadged Sebring. They share not one part whatsoever.

Sorry. If I were in the market, the 4C is much more attractive than the 8C to me.