
Oh ok you pictured all types of jobs, right. Now it's "poor/crappy/low paying jobs". So let me rephrase; I'm sure you didn't picture those "poor/crappy/low paying jobs" were in sweatshops in Bangladesh did you ? I'd say the conditions in these factories are much worse than "poor/crappy/low paying jobs". Keep trying to

Like I said in my first reply to your naive where you said that"Ralph Lauren

Of course that's not what I said but I'll address your Straw Man reply anyway. Exactly how many starving people in Africa is Larry's $300,000,000 yacht saving by sitting there in the ocean? Put another way, do you think the $300,000,000 Larry spent on that yacht could help more starving people than the hand full of

Hahaha. That describes him to a tee.

Where in my statement did I say that? Hmmmmmmm? Troll.

I responded to your first comment where you commended Ralph Lauren for creating "thousands of jobs" but I am sure you had absolutely no idea those jobs were actually in sweatshops in Bangladesh. Now you're trying to obfuscate your naive comment with this ridiculous 5 paragraph diatribe which I haven't even read

You're response is so typical. You're right, it's better that they have a sweatshop job and die or are maimed or crippled rather than starve. It's ok to pay them poorly because they are a poor people right? I guess that justifies the obscene profits they make on the backs of these poor people, rather than pay them a

Yea, he's made thousands of low paying jobs in Bangladesh:

Glad you said that. The usual response you get from people when you make a statement like that is "It's their money, they can do whatever the fuck they want to do with it" or, "You're just jealous " etc. I'm sure everyone would like to be rich, but I always wonder how the mega-rich don't seem to feel the slightest

Even the screaming girl hit the rev limiter (@ :16 sec.)

What was the price comparison betweens the 1990 NSX and the 1990 Ferrari and 911?

Considering how much it overhangs the rear wheels I'm surprised you didn't do wheelies across the nation!

Let me rephrase this for you"

I know what you mean. I owned an 08' GranTurismo and traded it in last year for a 2014. Sometimes I go out to the garage just to look at it ;)

Shit I was going to do this this weekend. I just needed the Lear jet. And a couple of those water jet flying thingies. I have the rope.

Yea many drivers would over-react and flip their car, crash into other cars etc. Not us though.

You would think they'd find somewhere to store the CF roof in the car. Hmmmmm, where could they store it? Hmmmm....... Any guesses?

Notice how narrow the center console is in the GT interior and how close you sit to the passenger. The entire cabin is very narrow. Not saying it's good or bad, just making the observation since we are comparing interiors.

Cmeer ya li al fooken cahunt. LMAO!