
Nah, see these are boring people who are dumb enough to think abstinence-only works, so once they get married and have 2-3 kids, that’s it for sex until they get drunk at a school auction and have a fourth kid that’s 8 years younger but totally planned, not a mistake.

This Black Mirror stuff is getting out of control. Here’s Amanda Willis just a few weeks before the wedding . . .

I did not get the impression that she is an “annoying vegan.” I didn’t even see anything in the original article about her saying anything about her veganism. As you said, animal rights. And I agree with her 100%. This is cruel. I can’t imagine my head being pulled toward the ground constantly. It must be painful,

I have been a secret vegan for a while. I just dont want to deal with explaining myself(and actually my reasons are no ones business) and then getting the snorts of derision from people I like but who have no problem drilling me about a life choice that they find weird (I live in a meaty Trump state). Its really

Well... people like me, I guess. Not trying to change all of the anything, but I certainly speak my mind about US politics, the death penalty, abortion rights and police brutality despite being an immigrant (and that’s just today). I live here and I care about my chosen community, so I don’t see any reason why I

He’s a murderer, a terrorist, an unapologetic racist, and an evil piece of shit.

Except you may have the money to do cooler things in your 40s.

It’s funny reading these replies from people in their 20's who think that people in their 40's secretly yearn to still go to college bars and get fucked every night.

We secretly laughed at and mocked the couple who had 2 kids by age 21. Now they are out having fun every weekend at age 43 while our little shits are still in middle school.