
Jesus Christ. Really? THIS is the comment that convinces you? Do you even know what an essential versus a non-essential acid is? There is actually a scientific reason we don’t need meat the way cats do.

Just because a woman speaks for local government, that doesn’t mean that the local government isn’t sexist? It’s called being a “handmaiden of the patriarchy.”

I notice that you have no response to the data I cited from the WHO. How interesting.

Yes. It is possible to not get enough protein. But I’m going to quote WebMD here, which is NOT a pro-vegan site:

Cats need to eat meat because they cannot produce taurine on their own. Taurine is an acid that all animals need for their muscles, organs and connective tissues to work.

Your comment is super condescending, and doesn’t respond to my post, which was about the scientific illiteracy of people who seek out extra protein because they think of themselves as athletes. I actually said, in my post, that people who don’t get enough calories overall, may have to have their protein intake

Right. I am obsessed with going to my local butcher. But I probably consume, overall, 2% of the animal products most people in the US eat. I get little bits of bacon and use it to flavor a pea soup once a week. Or I get a little bit of salami to throw into a puttanesca. And once a month I get a carton of local eggs.

Even oreos?

Vegans, like everyone else, range in intelligence. I think most moderately intelligent vegans know that there’s no such thing as a 100% vegan lifestyle and that all human activity means that some animals, as you say, are going to suffer. As my friend, who’s been vegan for over 20 years says, he still rides in cars

I’m not a vegan. But the scientific illiteracy of people who worry about “getting enough protein” is one of my pet peeves. It is virtually impossible to not get enough protein if you live in a developed nation, regardless of whether you consume animal products. And you do not need to seek out extra protein just

I definitely understand that kneejerk reaction to vegan politics. But I don’t think we can assume that this woman is “a certain type of vegan.” The title of this article, which calls her “too annoying” reeks of sexism. Yes, there are many unbearable vegans. Some of them are women. All of them seem to be on youtube.

This is actually just what I was talking about in my last comment. And it’s something that the movie doesn’t explain, even though it has a very simple explanation: It wasn’t considered unusual for women to be calculators at this time in history. In fact, women were preferred for this kind of work, because it was

In this case, I hated the “beats” that this movie was hitting. Because they totally destroyed the basic truth about these women’s lives: At this point in history, it was actually considered normal for women to be calculators. The work that they were doing wasn’t appreciated as “intellectual” the way it would be today,